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Apr 3, 2013
Mar 26, 2013
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Jun 4, 1993 (Age: 31)


Moogle Assistant, Male, 31, from Irony.

I'm new here. Roar. Mar 26, 2013

Irony was last seen:
Apr 3, 2013
    1. Llave
      “Irony is wasted on the stupid” - Oscar Wilde
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Llave
        Why thank you sir, that's a wonderful compliment. I too have been yearning for a simple series of discussions with people for a good while now, but to no avail. If anyone does converse with me, it tends to be short and lighthearted matters.

        Anyway, to the topic of the opposite of life, I think I get you. It's a feeling of life within it, and something that doesn't, feels wrong, but also doesn't feel pulsating.

        And very true, many things are done on computers nowadays, which I admit I do use only for editing and coloring my mostly hand-drawn creations. Mixed medias I reckon.

        The member was known as Makaze, in the realms of KHV he came on pretty recently, he was active from his joining in January 2011, till mid-August 2012 when he was permabanned due to events that would be another large paragraph of detail.
        Mar 28, 2013
      3. Irony
        That's the problem with familiarities with most people. Once it comes down to getting to know them for long enough, then unless you're picking stuff specifically to debate over, there's a good chance you either already agree or don't have the need to cover it. It's a pleasure on my end though. I'm up for discussing just about anything xD

        That basically covers it. "I looked into their eyes and saw something amazing". "Their voice had a passion to it like no other", "The horizon held a beauty that I could stare out at for ages". I used to think that these were more poetic terms, but for the past year I've been finding some great truth in them to the point that I feel that that alone is able to justify what something that has life is.

        Which more importantly, I've been looking a lot more into things relating to feeling as of late. If you don't mind my asking, are you one for believing in sixth senses, paranormal, supernatural, and things for the sort?
        Not to make this a conversation about that per say, but I could probably explain where I'm coming from from two different ways, depending.

        I meant to ask this bit actually in the PM, but how were you two related on the forum, if at all? I figured that you were talking about him, lol. Was a bit disappointed to see him gone. I'm pretty sure I can assume what happened though.
        Mar 28, 2013
      4. Llave
        Hm, in regards to supernatural things, I would say a bit. I was brought up in a Christian home, so I do think there is some sort of good spiritual force, and an opposing evil force. Evil force explains "ghosts and witchcraft" phenomena, and the good would be like "angels" and such.

        I did explain that a bit in the PM, yes. But if you'd like to continue our delightful conversation here and transfer it all over to the PM, I'd think that'd be a little more private than here.
        Mar 28, 2013
    2. Irony
      I'm new here. Roar.
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  • About

    Jun 4, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Past Usernames:
    I'm here mainly to RP. Maybe find some people. I enjoy the idea of being the stone in the river that makes waves when it crashes into it. I like being able to skip for as long as I please. People are too still. Even i'm guilty of that. Splashes must be made.