Actually, the next set isn't going to be specific. I'm just gonna ask for two themes per RPer, and see how that works out for me. If it works good, I'll stick to doing that from now on.
An understandable fear. I get it sometimes, too. You just need to think how/if a character would fit into a situation, and if you're still unsure, ask a fellow RPer for an opinion. It's helped me out quite a bit.
Hmm...I forget, can the Golden Spider heal things, or was he never shown to do something like that? Because I already have a plan for who's gonna stop Zone, but Dante will still have a hole in his gut afterwords and will need to be healed a bit.
Very little about both, unfortunately. I do, however, planning on picking up the MGS HD collection, MGS4 and Rising as soon as I can afford it. Why do you ask?
Quick question, which do you think would be better for the themes I have planned out (no spoilers until you answer), instrumental then lyrics or all lyrics through the song?
Oooohhh hoo hooo MGR music. This is gonna be fuuuuuuun. :3
Not sure I'll be able to give ol' Steve two themes, though...I assume those are both boss themes? If so, I may have to ask you to choose which one would be considered more his theme. In my opinion, I'd say It Has to Be This Way would be more of his theme.
And while it is going on a heavy metal remix of the Star Spangled Banner will play, and then the are thwy are arm wrestling in explodes into a display of red, white, and blue fireworks.
Because I suddenly had a nostalgia flash back and wondering to myself... why a game that is basicly Mortal Kombat with Dinosaurs and Giant Gorrilas never got a sequal or remade yet?! IT'S A FREAKIN' AWESOME CONCEPT!
Yeahp. I'm sure once I get themes from everyone else things will get a bit harder, but that's why I'm testing this method of theme-making. If this proves to be really easy, I'll make the next set allow 3 themes per person.
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