Yeah lol, pretty laid back day. Just doing house chores and dealing with some college prep stuff. Aaaaand nope not really! At first he was frustrating because of that spinny... dash move where he bounces everywhere because that does a fair bit of damage if I manage to get hit >| but he was a pushover otherwise lol, and I had fun with his stage riding the mining cart things : D.
Ahh I see. How'd it go?
Collleggggeeee. Are you excited? And the mine cart is fun...until you get knocked off. XD
Well, I might have failed it. Probably everyone else did too so it's all good.
I am both excited and terrified xD. And yup lol, or when you jump at the wrong time as it hits the end of the track and end up running smack into an enemy or falling down an instant death pit :'C happened to me a few times whoooops.
Awh I see @__@ sounds like a difficult exam. Well best of luck!
XD Well, to be honest, it gives you a Street Fighter technique...that's a little hard to do. And it's useless on the final boss from what I remember. It one shots regular bosses iirc.
I'LL SHOW YOU R-I mean...I don't see Strawdust. D8
DON'T EVEN. But fffff when my computer goes to sleep it logs me out of Skype and it looks like for whatever reason it didn't log me back in automatically today xD I didn't even notice until now omg...
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