Yeah, it's been a long time since we've chatted, huh? Not much really; just going to school and trying not to get too stressed out. How've you been?
Haha, thanks. Can't point out why I love this musical so much. I got obsessed with Sweeney Todd and Chicago when I first heard them, but this one has lasted longer. The 22nd can't come any sooner.
Yeah, though we'll soon fix that. The same, essentially. I've got lots of stuff I need to get taken care of for my future, so stress management is a big thing for me at the moment.
I can't either, but I saw a broadway performance last weekend and it was just as amazing as the movie (if not better since Jauvert could actually sing in that rendition, haha). I know!
Yeah, and I'm nearing the end of college for me, at least, I hope so anyway. Have to catch up on a lot of science classes I decided to keep postponing, which I'm paying for now. At last I'm doing okay.
I wish I could see an actual staged version of it. I bet it's amazing. Hey, Crowe did good for what he could do. And to be fair, he was up against Jackman and Hathaway, plus a lot of other actors with history in musical theater. He at least was able to hold his own. Same reason why I don't hate too much on Nick Jonas as Marius in the 25 anniversary recording (although,not a fan of the band, he held his own).
Ouch. Well, at least it's science and not something like math. And at least you're doing fine. That's really all anyone can hope for.
Yeah, it is. Everyone, the kids included, is cast so well and it's all just as heartbreaking as in the movie. Heh, well when you put it that way I suppose he did alright. Well, I'll have to look up the 25th anniversary stuff now. Also, I just downloaded the film's soundtrack and One Day More is always that one song that just gets to me... ;-;
Yeah, I finished with math back in my first year. Economics just requires basic knowledge. It's just all the other technical stuff that will get to me.
Yep, everyone seemed to meld into their roles just fine. I took my younger sister to see it and we both cried like crazy (and she hated me for a week because she didn't know Hathaway was gonna die so soon). Im even willing to bet they didn't want Crowe to be overpowering just to make sure Jackman got an Oscar (which he freaking deserved).mYeah, the 25 anniversary has to be my favorite of all the renditions, but of course, that being the introduction to the show may have something to do with it. They even played it on PBS two weeks before the movie came out.
Yeah, I'm taking AP Government/Economics next year so hopefully that won't be an issue for me going forward.
Well to be honest, I thought Hathaway would've played a bigger role (though I knew absolutely nothing about Les Mis before I saw the film, so yeah). He did deserve it, but both of them are great actors in their own right. Oh wow, though I suppose the first version you see just sticks with you the most, as with any other big name.
Yeah, hopefully you should do fine. Econ just involves a lot of common sense, but translated into fancy words that can get confusing.
That's true. I man, they did market it as her big movie, but she was in it for probably fifteen minutes. And that's true too, although I felt like Lewis skated through his role as Lincoln where Jackman gave so much of himself to Valjean. Still, they both did great jobs.
Well, I like to believe that I'm competent in my understanding of a more expansive vocabulary (after all, I'm somehow holding onto a B in AP Lang & Composition).
Well I've yet to actually see Lincoln so I can't exactly compare them fairly. Still, from the bit and pieces I've seen his delivery looked pretty good.
Yeah, that's good. Plus, it's actually something that will help you later on in life.
I saw it when it first came out. It was good, but there wasn't a lot of Lincoln in it. It actually seemed like he was a supporting role. He did great, but it was more about congress passing the 13th amendment instead of telling about his life during that time.
Well I heard it was about his struggles in getting Congress to pass it, but if he's not even that huge a part of the film, I don't really see the point in watching imo.
He is in it for a good amount, but not me where I would say that he is the lead actor. There really isn't anyone who leads the movie; everyone is a supporting character to the drama that unfolds.
Well, when you put it that way I suppose the drama is the star. That's not to say it's a bad thing, but I like to at least have one main protagonist as opposed to a bunch of roles that merely support the story.
Yeah, I'm the same way. Nothing wrong with a big ensemble cast, but it's nice to have one lead and follow their Hero's journey so we at least have something central.
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