Yeah, it's always been Stardust except for a few days last year where I changed it to SOPAdust as a part of the SOPA protest, lol. I was pretty surprised it wasn't taken when I signed up, actually xD.
lmao I'm actually terrified of changing it ;~; I'm scared someone will register as Stardust while I'm something else and I'll never get it back hahahaha
Strawdust is pretty tempting lmao. Yeah that would suck, especially since it's not about registering but about not being able to get a name you're already known as back ;~; Stardust has been taken at like... 95% of the places I've tried to register with it so I am super paranoid about it getting taken lol. Even worse when the Stardust in question isn't even active :'c Which is most of the time.
I come up with only the best parody names. XD ...Considering you're could secretly pull some strings. I've heard Misty is open to "suggestion". *Cough cough*
I'm actually not sure there's anything that could be done about someone registering with an old username, lol. I know people can't change their names to a username someone else has had recently, but registering is a little different as far as I know. But I don't even know for certain ;~; especially on Xenforo lmao
I was going to make up a convoluted way you could guarantee that Stardust would never be taken, but it's against the rules. B| Oh well. HAVE FUN BEING STARDUST FOREVER.
There we go. That was the avatar I had back when I had my own Zero theme. Fun fact, the only reason why Zero looks different for the Zero series is because of aesthetics. I guess you could say that his appearance from the X games are actually canon over the Zero games...despite the story from them being canon.
I can't see it ;~; it just says hosted on minitokyo
But yeah the art in the Zero series looks really really different from the X series, lol. It's sort of a softer style I guess; I really like it. But yeah, the X series art is probably canon xD which is cool too.
There we go. I think that one works. 8D STUPID MINITOKYO. The Zero series was meant to look more...human. Which make sense because with how many humans we get to see(well...not that many >>) and stuff, it'd be weird having bulky Zero going around and interacting with people. XD
:'D I'm torn on waiting to play the Zero series or going to look up the soundtrack right now lololol
I think I saw pictures of X while I was looking for an image to make an avatar out of, I didn't like him quite as much as Zero either lol. I like the overall aesthetic a lot, though.
It's completely messed up xD I'm probably going to be up all night again...
Inafune wanted Zero to be the main character. Of course, that'd make the series too different for original Megaman fans so he made X be the main character. Though Zero is kind of a little more important in the grand scheme of things. XD
He's kind of set a record for video game protagonists. Just like Sigma has done the same for bad guys. They've died so many times. I'm only saying this because it's not really a spoiler. XD Well it is, but it isn't anything dramatic.
I hope so too. ._. Are you going to school currently? I've got...until April or May I think.
LOL yeah I've heard. Apparently staying dead is just not an option for them. xD & I'm one of those people who really doesn't mind spoilers anyway so no worries there, lol.
No, I'm taking a gap year between high school and college, so I've not been in school. I start in August xD. But hey you're almost there! Just a couple months and you'll be free~
Yeah. X6 is the worst offender with Zero. "I hid myself while I repaired myself". Wtf Zero? XD You have to do certain things to get him to be playable though.
Oh really? I never did that. *Blames parents* What do you want to study?
LOL what a brilliant excuse for coming back. I guess that's a side effect of how rushed X6 apparently was, lmao.
Mhmm. I /want/ to study film, whether I actually /get/ to is another matter xD If not I'll probably study computer science, lol. I feel like you've told me your major before but I can't remember, is it mathematics or...?
Yuuuup should be interesting lol. And oh that's cool! The extent of my experience with physics stops at a course in high school lol but I loved that class, obviously it was extremely basic physics compared to a college major but it was really interesting xD. But yeah that's understandable, two majors can be really stressful I imagine @__@ .
I like that guy. I'm subscribed to him. He's Canadian. XD
Well if you ever have questions I'm here! Naturally I'm sure you know What? loves physics too...but I'm the one at a university. D8 I get to play with lasers!
Other than events and whatnot on KHV not too much. I was staying with my dad in Colorado for about five weeks and got back at the end of January, so I've been getting back into the swing of things at home and preparing everything for college in the fall haha.
Anything been up with you? Just school mostly? : P
It was cool! Got to see some old friends, watched about a gazillion movies, did some sightseeing haha. Fun stuff.
Oh that's right, you play guitar iirc? That's awesome. & ahhh roleplays! I'm always a little envious of people who can come up with and maintain all that stuff, I'm terrible at roleplaying haha. Takes lots of dedication. Sounds cool!
That's cool. I WISH I HAD FRIENDS TO SEE. XD Watch anything good?
Yeah! I've been busy this year. SO MANY SONGS WERE FINISHED. Maybe you should practice. I was terrible when I started! I had great grammar but yeah...XD I've been doing it for over five years!
:C No friends to see? But ohh yeah tons of stuff lol. Off the top of my head I really liked Fargo, and Looper was better than I was expecting haha. But I think we watched like at least around 20 movies.
Well that's awesome! I like arranging stuff for the instruments I play, but I don't really compose. Much respect for people who do xD.
Wow that's pretty impressive @__@ I think the issue for me is that it's so hard for me to keep up with the flow of things when roleplaying, since I only have control over a little of what's going on. But maybe I'll give it a shot again eventually xD.
Yeah. None. =p You mean Argo. Not Fargo! XD
Aw. Well it gets easier with time. It you ever want to give it a shot soon I'll recruit-I you. Having some purple in my rp would be awesome. XD
NOPE FARGO. :L Ahaha well it's a good movie, it's a crime film but it's... also really weird lmao. Definitely not a movie I'm going to forget anytime soon xD.
And well I didn't try it here, this was on some other site years and years ago. My friend got me to give it a shot. I've never roleplayed on KHV xD.
And nohoo I don't even have an account on KHI. This is kinda embarrassing but I think it was Gaia Online? xD I was like 11. I don't remember for sure, though.
Damn right you better not have! XD I actually had an account there before I joined KHV. I don't think I ever posted. ...And I've been on Gaia too. Never to RP because that place was a mess. What's worse is that I was 15 or 16 at the time. >>
I never got an account because it was so big and intimidating and confusing there, lmao. It gave me a bit of a headache xD.
Yeah I do not remember roleplaying being a positive experience there (it was sometimes just private roleplays with my friend who was really patient with me but I just couldn't get the hang of it lol) so it didn't last, pretty sure it was Gaia anyway. But feh, I think a lot of people used to be on Gaia lmao, or at least made an account at some point.
It does seem to be that way. I'm not even sure what the draw to Gaia is now that I think about it... Well, I'm heading off. I'm tired and I'll probably be seeing my exam back today from a physics class. Longer I sleep, the less I can think about it. Though I know I didn't do badly. Anyways, I hope you can get your sleep schedule under control. You're not supposed to be nocturnal!
And yeah I think it was just that it was... really big and popular and had those customizable pixel avatars. Idk. lol.
& Okay, goodnight! Sleep well haha. Hope you got a good grade on the exam!
And thanks hahaah I don't... know what I'm going to do xD I might just try to go to bed two hours earlier every day until I get it back to normal idk. WHAT IS SLEEP.
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