okay food party is cancelled because you kids can't control yourselves looks like i'll have to keep it all for myself :'c
They are our rivals. They must be crushed. XD It does seem to be that way. I'm not even sure what the draw to Gaia is now that I think about it... Well, I'm heading off. I'm tired and I'll probably be seeing my exam back today from a physics class. Longer I sleep, the less I can think about it. Though I know I didn't do badly. Anyways, I hope you can get your sleep schedule under control. You're not supposed to be nocturnal!
lmaoo And yeah I think it was just that it was... really big and popular and had those customizable pixel avatars. Idk. lol. & Okay, goodnight! Sleep well haha. Hope you got a good grade on the exam! And thanks hahaah I don't... know what I'm going to do xD I might just try to go to bed two hours earlier every day until I get it back to normal idk. WHAT IS SLEEP.
oh my gosh that must be quite the rush getting to class xD Well if you want to drop it then I'd say go for it while you can : P (if there's a cutoff?)
ahaha well that's good, I'd heard about people wanting to drop a class and not being able to because of cutoffs before so : P