I would imagine Octocamo would be more common placed. Because, let's be honest, what military would want combat armor that can camoflage itself in any enviorment without having to dump lord-knows how much money to make a new uniform?
As for the teleporting Metal Gears and Gekkos (the latter would probably have decendants by the time of the First Contact War), how would that work exactly?
Also, in my previous VM I meant "what military wouldn't want". Sorry if I confused you with that mistake.
Oh, non-military. That's hard because most tech we see in both series is actually military related. I'll have a think.
As for the warping Gekkos, it'd be along the same kind of lines as Biotic Charge, but on a bigger scale.
Hmm, true enough. If you think of something be sure to tell me.
I could probably scrounge up some info on mass effect fields that could justify walking attack jeeps and tanks Biotic Charging.
Also, do you think MG steath camo should be different from ME cloaking tech?
And what about human views on AIs?
Humans views on AIs would be the same, but there'd be a few more one-off AIs like Bladewolf around.
Stealth camo would probably take both canons into account. Cloaking the person, then putting a mass effect field around the person so that light bounces off in two ways. It would probably eliminate the shimmer effect.
And UGs like Future!Gekkos would have AIs. Though like in canon they would probably only be as smart as animals. And probably some household AIs like robot pets. Bladewolf did mention something about how "talking with AIs may be consider normal one day" in a Codec convo.
So true invisbility? Alright. How wide spread do you think it would be in human military?
Speaking of Shepard, what should his/her origin be?
And it can't be the ruthless backstory. Cause why would you send your own men to die in droves when you could, ya know, send in some Gekkos armed with suicide charges to level the pirate/slaver base?
Also, how about during the time it was a Merc group Jack Harper (the Illusive Man) and his two friends from his time as a merc (Eva Core and Ben Hislop) being the elite cyborg leaders of the group kinda like the Winds of Destruction for Desperado?
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