Last Activity:
Oct 21, 2020
Dec 7, 2011
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This is a status. Jan 4, 2017

Mysty was last seen:
Oct 21, 2020
    1. strfruit
      Long time no speak!
      Hope all has been well for you.
      1. Mysty
        I know it has been. I have tried to contact you through text but never got a response :P
        I hope all is well for you too.
        May 19, 2013
      2. strfruit
        Ahhhh!!! I was doing something when I got that text and completely forgot to reply. :(
        I'm sorry!!

        Thanks a bunch.
        Things have been pretty good. Break in two weeks.
        Excited! ^-^
        May 20, 2013
    2. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      :p i've passed you. guess who's gonna' reach premium first? meee~~
      1. Mysty
        Once again, still doesn't bother me.
        May 10, 2013
    3. Itachilives
      Hello my friend I"m back. How are you?
      1. Mysty
        I knew one of my chums was missing. Where in the world of Earth have you been Mr. Uchiha? I is very okay my good sir.
        Apr 28, 2013
      2. Itachilives
        Haha, Stuck in Limbo with demons and no Wifi/lol. Glad to here that
        Apr 29, 2013
    4. Pinekaboo
      Sorry he didn't tell you before, I expected him to have but he didn't say anything for some reason; HoL actually took Madara while you were away, so you'll have to discuss with him whether you keep him or not.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pinekaboo
        I'm glad, because no matter your argument, my answer would remain the same.
        Apr 22, 2013
      3. Mysty
        I know this is a longshot question, but is there any chance at all I could come back to the RP chat on Skype?
        Apr 22, 2013
      4. Pinekaboo
        I'll talk to Bushy and HoL about the possibility, but I'm not saying yes.
        Apr 22, 2013
    5. strfruit
      Oh my goodness!
      Linkin Park Facebook Page:
      "To celebrate Record Store Day on Saturday, April 20, we are re-issuing "Hybrid Theory" on vinyl for the first time in over a decade. In addition, the release will include a "One Step Closer" 10-inch re-issue featuring "My December" bonus b-side, and reproductions of an out-of-print poster and original street team sticker. This release is limited to 3000 copies."

      1. Mysty
        Must... get.... instantly.
        Apr 17, 2013
      2. strfruit
        Apr 17, 2013
    6. Pinekaboo
      I apologise for making you feel unwelcome. Should you ever change your mind about leaving Cove, you will always be welcomed back.
    7. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      ... *pokes Council of Blood OoC thread*
    8. Mysty
      Finished Yu Yu Hakusho for a third time. No matter what people say, it will always be my favorite anime of all time. Bang.
      1. Bushy likes this.
      2. Labrys
        Who wouldn't?
        It's perfect.
        Apr 1, 2013
    9. Labrys
      If only Yusuke can look that badass again
      1. Indecypher likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Labrys
        Yeah man that's what I love about Yu yu Hakusho, they only do things once.
        Like the double spirit sword or the Fist of the mortal flame and of course the Spirit gun×2.
        Mar 31, 2013
      4. Mysty
        Indeed. Never repetitive with attacks, forms, or even stories. It is completely unique.
        Apr 1, 2013
      5. Labrys
        Expect Darkness flame.
        It was only good the first two times
        Apr 1, 2013
    10. strfruit
      Happy Easter!!
      1. Mysty
        And the Son of God has risen from the grave.
        Mar 31, 2013
    11. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩

      Just so you know, I've decided to set up DBZ OVA Auditions over Skype during my spring break from school. I'd love to get everyone's input on what day/time works for them, so please let me know, thanks.
      1. Mysty
        Question... When am I NOT on skype.
        Mar 20, 2013
    12. strfruit
      Your avatar is adorable! :3 hehe
      And almost a Premium! My my!
      1. Mysty
        She is my most recent anime crush.
        Mar 19, 2013
    13. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Any plans to continue "FF vs Tales of" now that StardustX is back?
    14. StardustXtreme
      Oh yeah, I'm back happily...well not mostly due to MSI and annoyance fo Laptop deciding to have it's power switch connecter go, "no, not lightning up, no RPing for you!"
      1. View previous comments...
      2. StardustXtreme
        Sounds like Lisbeth and Silca to me there.
        Mar 13, 2013
      3. Mysty
        yup. I mean, I am not sure if people would get to use them or if I/ You use them for story purpose.
        Mar 13, 2013
      4. StardustXtreme
        Depends really. would have to delve into that.

        AT least this 3-4 week 'holid- I mean, torture is ending, I had to play games during that time in the evenings, such as Completing Ni no Kuni, the new King Wasington DLC and then recently, the new Tomb Raider Game.

        I believe Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory will be coming out sometime this month so that'll probaby be the next target I imagine.
        Mar 13, 2013
    15. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Please get on Skype and look at the digiabridgey chat.

      I'm making progress! XD
      1. Mysty
        I would bro, but at school. So it'll have to wait 8 hours. Apologies.
        Mar 12, 2013
      2. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Whenever you can is all. I've almost done first draft, just need to edit and check some jokes/voices with you guys.
        Got work due in soon so not sure when I'll get it done though.
        But yeah check out the chat.
        Mar 12, 2013
    16. Jayn
      Hey, I'll be finishing your request today. Just letting you know. I've had some family stuff going on so haven't been around that much. Sigh.~ Please don't forget the like the posts. I don't think you paid for last time, either. v: But yeah. Working it today.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jayn
        Taken from the FAQ;

        To pay, just browse some posts of mine and 'like' the amount. So, if you buy a traditional-styled signature with costs 3, just find three posts of mine and 'like' them.
        Mar 4, 2013
      3. Mysty
        so as of now I owe you 9 likes. Boy this is an odd system.
        Mar 4, 2013
      4. Jayn
        It's not that bad. But yeah. Thank you.
        Mar 4, 2013
    17. Odamadillo
      So I guess our little SAO game is over now?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        I never really noticed your avatar change until a second ago. I guess that is just because I have been busy. But how are you today?
        Mar 3, 2013
      3. Mysty
        4:30 in the morn. i'll let you answer that.
        Mar 3, 2013
      4. Odamadillo
        Get some sleep then.
        Mar 3, 2013
    18. Iskandar
      hey, who's the new avatar/signature? Looks pretty cool
      1. Mysty
        Her name is Mist from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn/ Path to Radiance. :3
        Feb 26, 2013
      2. Iskandar
        Ah! I knew she looked familiar from somewhere.
        Feb 26, 2013
    19. strfruit
      Hellloooooo there!! ^-^
      1. View previous comments...
      2. strfruit
        Oh! Hahaha! I see :P

        Aww ; ;
        Feb 25, 2013
      3. Mysty
        Needed a new look. Sowwy.
        Feb 25, 2013
      4. strfruit
        -sniffle- Tiz okay ;v;

        I will eventually get tired of Asuna XD
        Feb 25, 2013
    20. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Feeling better today bro?
      1. Mysty
        yeah. Watched a tone of comedic stuff last night. Still cant play though, at a friends
        Feb 22, 2013
      2. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        Okay c:

        Glad you're better though
        Feb 22, 2013
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  • About

    Past Usernames:
    Otonashi, Myst, The Hero of Winds, Bolin, Eevee, Marta Lualdi, Alchemyst, Naminє, The Almighty Helix, Sophia Ring SP Saturn VII, Momo Kisaragi, Kyubey, Zekken, Marvell
    Really if you are interested at all in anything I may have feelings towards, it is best to ask me instead of stock the information from here.



    "I always say what exactly what I'm feeling, and if they don't like me, that's fine! It doesn't change the fact that I was close to their hearts." -- Yuuki Konno


    "Asuna, there are things you can only share with someone by fighting." -- Yuuki Konno

    Tumblr - Orbs of Life RP - Vocaloid playlist
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