Still up? We never planned it today O.o I have to go out so I won't be on, the next day I can do is wednesday.
Ah, I see. DAMN ME AND MY FORGETFULNESS! Well, Wednesday isn't good for me seeing as I won't be back home until at least seven. Maybe Friday?
xD Well, he's being really sweet and attempting to watch the David Tennant era of Doctor Who to give him a second chance just for me ^^ so that means he may fall in love with him >:3
I would make a joke about how his falling for Ten-inch would be ironic and he'd be the perfect tsundere, but I won't because I'm not that cruel. Also, wanna shoot for Friday skype/game (which you lost) time? I don't know if I'd be able to do it any other day this weekend.
;-; Well, maybe I can squeeze you in for Thursday, if you know what I mean. scrotum tickler AHUEHUEHUE >:3
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