Hmm, interesting idea. But I only got the game yesterday and only finished the second mission, so first I'd like to see him in the game before actually reserving him. Unlike SOME people I could name. ;D
I played the demo and MGS4 so I know Raiden. Bladewolf is in the demo, which Bushy has seen.
Without spoiling too much, I will say that he's a badass despite being an antagonist, and you'd do well to reserve him sooner than later.
THAT REMAINS TO BE SEEN. Thus is the reason I "semi-reserved" him. So in case I don't like him I don't have to put his name in my reserve list. An if I do then I make the character template and put him on the list.
Yeah, I thought you would. He's just your type of character. Meanwhile, I just finished the game, with a total play time of 4 hours, all of them today. Sam's sword is a much better weapon visually than Raiden's ever was.
I'll properly reserve him a little later. He was an ******* to beat in the game.
Hey, I finished the game today too! Not too long ago infact. I also got four hours and something minutes. From what I hear Platinum Games does this thing where they don't count cutscenes so that may be the reason.
So what did you think of it?
Yeah, it's just 4 hours of gameplay. I loved the game, but other than using Sam's sword, I can't really see much replay value. I'll come back to it, sure, but I see no point right this second. The boss battles were pretty badass though. ...except Monsoon's. **** that guy.
Yeah, that's true. I guess one could do a pacifist run... err, semi-pacifist run at least. Not sure how the New Game Plus works.
Boss fights were the best. Monsoon was annoying as hell.
It's basically a long-distance grab which pulls you to the enemy. Really good for those evasive guys. Though admittedly I barely used anything other than Raiden's sword.
I agree with him frankly. The more people that talk to her, the more she'll come on KHV when she's not supposed to, and the more likely she'll get in trouble.
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