Comments on Profile Post by Airi Ban

  1. Airi Ban
    Airi Ban
    Welcome xD
    Feb 7, 2013
  2. Indecypher
    Haha, yeah. I wanted to add hatok and this was the site he went to so I made an account. And thanks.
    Feb 7, 2013
  3. Airi Ban
    Airi Ban
    Nice! You'll definitely enjoy it here. :)
    Feb 7, 2013
  4. Airi Ban
    Airi Ban
    oh, I'm Keys btw but I guess you knew that :P
    Feb 7, 2013
  5. Labrys
    kh13 seriously must be a reck
    Feb 7, 2013
  6. Indecypher
    Probably, but I won't be as active as I am on kh13 though lol. And yeah, I figured from the graceful hedgehog avatar as well as your knowledge of that day on the statuses. In addition I saw the Kh13 invaders episode that happened and connected the dots.

    As for you Keyblade, yes and no. After recent events some members have spoken out against the site, with most of the claims being dismissed as "Drama" Same old stuff to me since hatokgate happened before I even signed up. Like I said, I joined for hatok and that had nothing to do with Kh13's power struggles. And won't be on here as much as there anyways. Unless I read that wrong.
    Feb 7, 2013
  7. Labrys
    Oh I left that shithole without anyone knowing.
    I hate it overthere. I've been here for a year or two
    Feb 7, 2013
  8. Indecypher
    Yup, you fooled me. Well, you're in a better place now at least. And nice, I don't think I could of have done 2 Kh sites actively at the same time.
    Feb 7, 2013