Good good. And what do you mean by that?! anywhoo everyone knows that the 11th doctor is better than the 10th. :P
I mean you said you were gonna go do life things so I thought thay was the end. Then again, naïvete is a cruel mistress. Pfft, you lie.
Meh, I can understand laziness. I wish I could relax though; working on videos for a few hours every week and a half IS NOT ENOUGH.
Ouch, that sucks. Wish I could help you, but staff would be on me if I helped you "get" Vegas the way I did.
Lol, didn't we get in trouble about this already back in the days of air maker video clannn? I'm pretty sure we did.
I know. Sad thing is that he got banned. I never knew about it when it happened, but I could always give you his Skype if you want.
I have no idea. I do remember he used to troll a lot though. His Skype is apbblood if you want to talk to him though. Maybe we could arrange another MEP or something.
Agreed. It would be fun to see what you guys are up to now a days. Also the PS Vita is awesome, the games not all that great though. lol.
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