Comments on Profile Post by burnitup

  1. Lite
    Ooooh, a good question...Well, if the Goku vs Superman video is anything to go by, I'd say Superman. All he's gotta do is flying in and out of the sun and he's got it won. Now if Asura is allowed different forms, then the outcome could be different.
    Jan 13, 2013
  2. burnitup
    I would assume Asura would be allowed to transform. Though I'm not sure about his Asura the Destructor form, that required outside help to get which isn't allowed in Death Battle.

    So I take you you thought the Goku vs Superman fight's outcome was accurate?
    Jan 13, 2013
  3. Lite
    Yeah, that's true...

    Yeah, I thought it was pretty accurate. I was rooting for Goku, but I think that Superman was the true better of the two in terms of factual abilities.
    Jan 13, 2013
  4. burnitup
    Then again I'm not totally sure.

    Tell that to the guy I'm arguing with in the spamzone thread...
    I rooted for Superman, though I felt that if Goku won and they explained why I would have been okay with that.
    Jan 13, 2013
  5. Lite
    I guess it would depend on whether or not Superman has fought planet-sized demigods before. I honestly don't know if he has.

    Sounds like you've got a fanboy on your hands, lol.
    Jan 14, 2013
  6. burnitup
    Well he has moved the Earth on multiple occasions. And there was the time he fought Solaris the Tyrant Sun.

    Still can't believe I'm arguing over Superman canon with the guy.
    Jan 14, 2013
  7. Lite
    I think he could take Asura's destructor form.

    Lol, some people just can't let it go, unfortunately.
    Jan 14, 2013
  8. burnitup
    But who knows. Maybe Death Battle will put those two against each other in the future.

    I really wish I had more people backing me up. It's like dealing with those two old f#cks on the Muppets.
    Jan 14, 2013