Charonus Rex
Last Activity:
Feb 1, 2025
Dec 17, 2008
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1:00 AM
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Awarded Pins 6

Dec 5, 1982 (Age: 42)
Deep inside an active volcano
A dragon god

Charonus Rex

Merlin's Housekeeper, 42, from Deep inside an active volcano

Charonus Rex was last seen:
Feb 1, 2025
    1. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: *eats his food*
      Me: *has my mouth wide open*
    2. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: they do this everytime, it'll never end well
      Me: *getting closer to legna while eating*
    3. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: *hands her a plate of food*
      Me: *is in the background swimming through the table of food munching away on everything*
    4. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: *smiles at charisa* come join me i'll eat my food slow ^.=.^
      Me: *downing plates left and right*
    5. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: *grabs a plate and slowly eats*
      Me: *just downed 2 more plates*
    6. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: *finally reaches the dining hall* eat up guys
      Me: *jumps right in and eats a couple plates*
    7. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: do you guys agree on going to the pool?
    8. nasirrich
      Windy- Hey Lucy wait here ok.*Goes over to the Store Managers room.*
      Rudy- Huh Windy you're off what's up?
      Windy- Yo I got a friend who wants to impress that lucky guy of hers so can we borrow some keys?
      Rudy- Uhh yea sure thing just be sure to bring them back alright.
      Windy- OKIES!!*Takes the keys she needs.*
    9. nasirrich
      Windy- Heheheh y-yes she's right sorry, but you gotta believe in yourself silly Lucy now come on.*Takes her hand Charisa's and Isis's hand.*
      Lucy- W-Windy!!
      Isis- M-MOTHER!!
      Windy-*Takes them to her job.
    10. nasirrich
      Windy- Which is a problem because that really is not how you should look at people. No disrespect to him, but if you think anything looks ok maybe look deep within yourself and ask who the hell are you not to like when people are trying their best to impress?
      Isis- Err M-Mother
      Lucy- Windy please its ok really I wasn't expecting much since I'm really not the type guys would go for.
    11. nasirrich
      Windy- I know I have a ways to go to really get to where I want to with Joe, but at least I know I have him by my side at all times so I will do what I can to make him see the beauty he has brought out from within me.
      Lucy- Hmmmm...
    12. nasirrich
      Windy- I never said for her to change just for new attention because she's always busy working here so that really makes this even harder. If you see yourself in a new light physically it can do wonders for you. I mean even though I have short hair I would always tie it back in a bun or just keep it tied back. Now I change it up keep it free, some bangs, you know spice it up for my man ~,^
    13. nasirrich
      Windy- What I mean look at her Charisa!!*Goes behind Lucy and runs her hands down her hour glass figure.*
      Isis-*Looks up on Lucy and looks down on her. Then looks at Windy, and Charisa then back at her chest.* DX
      Windy- O,O Anyways if you shorten your hair and make your inner beauty explode out you'll catch anyone attention.
      Lucy-*Blushing hard*
    14. nasirrich
      Windy- Ouch that hurts I'm not I know exactly how to help you out Lucy. One if you want to look and feel good all this hair has got to go.
      Isis- Hmmm I could see her in some curls with like a flower or maybe even a crystal in her hair.
      Lucy- W-Wait really you think that could actual work?
      Windy- Lucy you have a nice figure, and need to show it out from time to time.
    15. nasirrich
      Windy-*Still cracking up hard at that name and Lucy.*
      Isis-*Rolling on the floor laughing.*
      Lucy-*Turns away from them.* Its not funny!!
      *They both look at each other then Lucy and keep on laughing.*
    16. nasirrich
      Lucy- Alright now...*Turns very red again.* What am I gonna do if I see him I just don't know if I could contain myself.
      Windy-*Looks down to Isis.*
      Isis-*Looks up to Windy.*
      *Both let go of one another and burst out laughing cracking up crazy hard.*
    17. nasirrich
      Windy- Yes mam understood*Bows to her again.*
      Isis-*Nods in understanding as she too bows.*
      Lucy- That is very good to hear I'm glad you all understand the gravity of this situation.
    18. nasirrich
      Lucy- Charisa promise me if we were ever to meet again we will act like we no none of what happened if we happened to run into Shenron either alone or together. This goes for you too Windy and little one. Something like this could very easily end us all within a moment notice. With all the fighting that will come because of this we have to make sure word doesn't get out.
    19. nasirrich
      Lucy- Kim's gone...*Feel terrible becuase Kim is the only person she really likes. When she'd sleep Kim would pay special attention to Lucy.* Kim...
      Windy-*Sighs since she didn't fully tell her what happened to Kim.*
      Isis-*Wants Kim back so she holds onto Windy.*
      Windy-*Sees what Isis is doing just holds onto her as well.*
      Lucy- I'll be sure that this stays safe alright.
    20. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Dracon: agreed, after food anybody wanna head to the pool?

      Me: me!!!! I wanna get in the jucuzzi