Comments on Profile Post by Terra254

  1. Labrys
    Are you a returning member by any chance?
    Jan 2, 2013
  2. Terra254
    Uhm ... Kind of. I joined in 2007, Came back in 2009, There was a hack and my (Along with a lot of other accounts and Threads) were deleted, so I came back again.
    Jan 2, 2013
  3. Labrys
    Ohhhhh that.
    Which other members do I talk bad about?
    Jan 2, 2013
  4. Terra254
    Not bad, But it just seems like you don't like them, and it's usually not a member, Usually a group of a people. If your going to yell at me anytime soon, Can you do it when I say so? I kind of need that "Unfff" for something later on.
    Jan 2, 2013
  5. Labrys
    LMAO okay :3
    Jan 2, 2013
  6. Terra254
    You remind me of rat ,I like rat.
    Hmmm...Sorry for offending you. You'll probably be able to yell at me at around 8. 8 your time, Since I also live in Texas.
    Jan 2, 2013