I have missed you Cat <4 (because 3 is too hipster)
I have been looking forward to chatting with you but today I still need to eat dinner- if I'm on after that then I'd love to, otherwise tomorrow works better for me.
That's fine. I need to get my mom to give me more time on this anyway (idk how an hour on here equals four to the computer DAMN YOU MAC!). Also, my mom and I have just gotten into Merlin and aiasdjhfaoisudhfoiasduhfi we are hooked! So yeah, message me if you'll be able to today. Otherwise, I've still got this whole week off from school, so we'll be alright.
Alright, oooh- I hope you enjoy Merlin- I bet you get me into it now >.< I don't watch it and I know it finished completely on Christmas day.
Oh good, I have all week off as well but it includes a lot of revision and stuffs. Also, I forgot tomorrow is new year's eve xD and I'm out partying and I'm going out for a drink on wednesday- so it'll be tuesday if not today.
Well, what am I good for if I don't give you good recommendations for shows/fandoms?
Yeah, I still have a crapton of homework that needs doing, so I have a feeling I won't have any free time starting Friday. ;~; Yeah, that's fine. Go enjoy yourself. I forgot that I actually have to make up some stuff that I missed Saturday anyway.
Yeah Cat, like that show (if you recall) with that weird guy with his weird hair who sits in a box moaning about life while saving people. You introduced me to that show!
Also, I'm guessing you have gone to do work now ;-; I shall remain here for a bit but if you don't get on then Tuesday it'll be. Make sure to get lots of work done <3
Kathy- becasue she's his daughter and they are best friends. >:3 TARDIS!Cat loses the Doctor because she dies and goes to a different universe. MWHAHAHA
No, but she gets a sonic from the Doctor (which she hardly ever uses but still) and room and board in a spaceship that is bigger on the inside/smaller on the outside. Does Kathy get to travel in a TARDIS?
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