Nov 25, 2008
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    1. Zeonark
      Demyx: OH SHUT UP!

      XD I love that one! Lol.
      Tears are 4 Queers!

      What did Cloud do? o_o
      Lawl, Well Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh? I think in the right clothes she's hot xD
    2. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Yes,I've never let you know that.I've only went supersonic,not super saiyan,or super supersonic saiyan?I've been through many fights,and I train everyday.So,ready to take me on?
    3. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      POk,but you might find a few things different about me other than my Brawl self.*goes super saiyan*It's this.
    4. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Well,I'm searchin vids on Youtube.And wanting to train with somebody.Are you availabe right now to train with me?Well,spar.
    5. Zeonark
      That was hilarious.
      Donald: Duck Season. Fire! *BOOM!*


      ....I'd lol.
      Zexion ish awesome. o_o Riku ftw lol.

      ....Yes really xD Although if you look at her eyes in DOC and AC she almost looks like she's sick. Wonder why...
      Gah, I can't think of another one DX
    6. Zeonark
      Axel: He's at it again.

      Don't die ;_; It'll come.

      Lol XD
      What about L? Lol. I personally like Tifa o-o her bo- *Shot* They're huge. *Shot again*
    7. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Oh yeah?*gives you cookie*
    8. Zeonark
      ....FU- *Internet pwns*
      It's better than Choc- Better not say that around lover boy o_o
      It'll come in time xD

      I know you can't say the same. You're not gay xD For the love of god, PLEASE go right ahead. I ramble about sexy made up characters everyday o_O
    9. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      *hugs back*Thanks,I'll be ok now,and my girlfriend just gave me a cookie.So,I'm good now.Well,what you wanna do now?
    10. Zeonark
      It's the greatest thing since Internet!
      Ooooo....Ish it vanilla? 8D
      It's not horrible trust me xD

      What? She's one game/anime character I find extremely sexy. ಠ_ಠ
    11. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      I've been fine.And yeah I got the game.I can't play it,it doesn't work.I was short 10 bucks,I got it used,and the god damn thing doesn't work.I'm going to find another copy of the game tomorrow.I wanna play it now!!!*cries*
    12. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hey!!What's up?I've returned!
    13. Zeonark
      When I get there, It's Sugar season <3
      Lucky. I don't have any >.>
      *Looks in Wallet* I'm out of cash. D:
      Not yet. I'm actually thinking of a Second part o_o
      Hey Hey Hey! >: No spoilers <3

      Also I'm pissed off. Gamestop didn't have Tales of the Abyss. Tear's hot too ._.
    14. Zeonark
      Oh god, We'd be on a infinite Sugar rush everyday! x3
      <33333333 (Super Scoop! xD)
      It worked! Sucess! *Writes on Clipboard*
    15. Zeonark
      No problem Onee-chan :D
      Awwww.... <3
      I actually wish I could live with you o_o
      I'll contact Dr. John. Okey Doke.
    16. Zeonark
      Anything to make Onee-chan happy. :3
      Me sorry. ;-; *Hugs*
      Meh, When we DO meet I'm acting like your little annoying brother. <3
      You're welcome. Come back to me and Dr.John with the results. *Shot*
    17. Zeonark
      You're like the big sister I've always wanted.
      O_o *Comes back* What happen? Did I die?
      No NO! DX Me worry! ;_;
      I'm your little brother ish my job to make sure my big sis is okay :3
      The only thing I would think is ice, If not then put some warm water on it 0_o Never tried that though.
    18. Zeonark
      Not really. Just.....alot of crap XP
      O_o You are purpared! <3
      *Dies* x_x
      You should go and put some ice on it D:
    19. Zeonark
      Alot of crap o_o
      Lol, Go buy some <3
      Holy crap! Are you alright now? o___o
    20. Finale
      pretty much...