Comments on Profile Post by starseeker3

  1. Lite
    Greetings. How goes it?
    Dec 12, 2012
  2. starseeker3
    Suck-y. I just yesterday had a fight over unclean bathrooms and twenty dollars with my mom yesterday, my mom being the agressor... My mom is insain.
    Dec 12, 2012
  3. Lite
    Yeah, I've had my fair share of fights with my mom. But it doesn't change that she's my mother and that I wouldn't be alive without her.
    Dec 12, 2012
  4. starseeker3
    I know that, but did I tell you the story about her ID and the hole in the wall? Or the insident in hawaii?
    Dec 12, 2012
  5. Lite
    No, you didn't, but those're probably things that don't need to be shared.
    Dec 12, 2012
  6. starseeker3
    True, but those stories give you a look into my mom's craziness.
    Dec 12, 2012