It took me forever to beat him on KH1 but when I did, I fought like 55 times afterwards. That's how I got to lvl 100 so fast. I just cant get enough of that fight!!!
I KNOWWWW. Its sooo fun. I had been scared completely when I had started. I mean, I had tried to fight him years before and I always died. Then finally, I watched this thing on youtube and it helped out alot! Yesterday, I helped my brother defeat him. ^w^ He's a semi-harder on KH2. You can't hit him when he does Sin Heartless angel and stuff. :p
you can in KH2, It's just more difficult. When I first fought him in KH1, I was only like lvl 36 and I died in less then 10 seconds haha. I gave up for the longest time! This game never gets old to me!
OMG, you can? I always just do that Triangle thing and after that just go crazy with attacking and stuff. lol I totally know what you mean with KH1 Sephy. I always tried circling him and that would be it. He'd hit me like twice and that'd be it. Lol
The triangle command isn't sin heartless angel, sin harvest that thing where he floats in the air and turns pink and destroys all your health! :) the reaction command thing looks really cool though! You can also use reflect to block that attack... I fight that guy waaaay to much!!!
yeah, that would be cool. But the naming thing isn't really much of an option in the new Final Fantasy's. I mean FFX was just weird, the way you could name him, and no one said his name through out the entire game. But name and character creation certainly gave you more freedom.
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