Not sure how to talk to a subject of the darkness? Haha I see you like Loriah's fan fiction have you had a look at mine? I can't tell you if it is any good but I am hoping you could tell me. As for a subject to talk about I recall Angemon was your avatar does that mean your a digimon fan too?
Definitely. :D I haven't seen your fan fiction yet. Can you send me a link so I can see? By the way, I'm ok with talking to a denizen of darkness. the light is very accommodating.
First of all here is the link.
Second I have not always been a denizen of the darkness but that is a long story. As for Digimon three words Wizardmon, Impmon and Boncholeomon.
I read your fan fic. My comments are on the thread. It's ok. Oh and for Digimon, Angemon, Myotismon, and MetalGarurumon. I love Digimon season 1, and I hate the second season. I just want to finish it before watching the 3rd.
Comments on Profile Post by Odamadillo