I've seen a little VOY, but not much. I heard mixed things about it so I wasn't sure haha, good though? I'm not sure about DS9 so far, maybe I should try getting more into Voyager.
Mhmm, I'm personally reaaally attached to TNG. It's the Trek that got me into Trek basically haha, parents introduced me through TOS but I got hooked on TNG on my own somewhere down the line. I think that's why it took me so long to try some of the other series, was just so caught up in TNG xD.
Yeah, Enterprise seems to be a lot of people's least favorite. :c I've never had much interest in seeing it because of that. The idea of a prequel series is interesting to me, though.
Seen the 2009 one already haha xD I've seen several of the movies actually, but I skipped most of the ones people didn't seem to like much (though I did watch Insurrection and Nemesis anyway haha)
Ah okay I'll have to watch more of it @__@ Sounds good!
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