Comments on Profile Post by Midnight Star

  1. Midnight Star
    Midnight Star
    But I should say I have quite enjoyed rping with you tonight.
    Nov 30, 2012
  2. Doukuro
    Thank you, so have I. Um, Abby could get a text from her parents? They could pick her up. If they're not the type then I can have Elizabeth's come and they can give her a ride home as well if that works for you.
    Nov 30, 2012
  3. Midnight Star
    Midnight Star
    They could but it's unlikely as everywhere is flooded and the schools on a hill so yeah. I think most people are staying the night.
    Nov 30, 2012
  4. Doukuro
    Oh right. Well they can stay in the gym or go to the audioturom. I can make Elizabeth fetch blankets in they stay. Excuse the spelling
    Nov 30, 2012
  5. Midnight Star
    Midnight Star
    That could work, right now, I just want to finish up so I can sleep. Thanks
    Nov 30, 2012
  6. Doukuro
    sorry for the stall then. post should be up in a few seconds now
    Nov 30, 2012