It's cool. It's just easy to fall behind on the cell phone. One minute I'm all caught up and writing and the next minute I'm four posts behind and and have to redo it all to make sense. =\ but i manage. =]
Sometimes. It doesn't have a user dictionary or learned words. It's didn't recognize a lot of words. But it has a decent sized screen, so that helps. I just wish we still had that auto save. Tend to run into the problem of clicking the back button to close the keyboard and it ends up going back a page and losing everything. I had that happen like 5x Thursday night. Got so pissed and just gave up. When it's cooperating, then it's not so bad.
Because i had to get rid of my laptop a long time ago and we don't have internet. My boyfriend got a mobile broadband device for the tablet i got him for his birthday, but it's only 2gb of data and we've already used like a infancy percent of it just from me spending 20 minutes replying to the rp and him streaming one song on YouTube. Access to it is limited.
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