Comments on Profile Post by Lite

  1. burnitup
    "....." -Every silent protagonist ever.

    Also, hi! :D
    Nov 26, 2012
  2. Lite
    Eh...That's more Red's thing.

    Hey there. How goes it?
    Nov 26, 2012
  3. burnitup
    Oh you know not much. Finished watching all the currently out Hellsing Ultimate OVAs. Also I'm somewhat considering reserving a Pokemon protag in the CC. Though I forget which have been reserved. Help would be nice.

    Nov 26, 2012
  4. Lite
    I've wanted to watch something Hellsing related for a while now...Just haven't been sure where to start. As for the Pokemon Trainers...Well, I'm not quite sure who's left, to be honest. You may have to ask Dark or Hero of Time on that one.
    Nov 26, 2012
  5. burnitup
    Well I was considering reserving Wes from Pokemon Colosseum if he is available. (AND I CALL DIBS IF HE IS. You hear that DT? DIBS!) But again I'm just considering joining in on this Pokemon craze like you kids. So I may decide not to.

    In regards to Hellsing:
    Nov 26, 2012
  6. Lite
    I believe DT already claimed Wes, unfortunately. Though I'm sure there're still some trainers available.

    Ooooh, thanks. Unfortunately I can't watch now since it's getting late, but I will watch as soon as I'm able.
    Nov 26, 2012
  7. burnitup

    DT has like a f*cking monopoly on characters I swear to God! Almost any character I consider reserving he f*cking has! What the f*ck!

    Okay then, and you are welcome.
    Nov 26, 2012
  8. Pinekaboo
    u mad?
    Nov 26, 2012
  9. Bushy
    That's just how it goes buddy. *uses godmod powers of interruption*
    It's happened with me too. People have characters I wanted. It's not a big deal. It's just gotta be dealt with. It might be annoying yeah, but... *shrugs* It's just an RP.
    And DT did reserve Wes like... a long time ago. A really long time ago.
    Nov 26, 2012
  10. Bushy
    Or a few days/weeks ago... Meh. He reserved him before you thought to. That's the point. It happens. *shrugs* lol
    Nov 26, 2012
  11. burnitup
    @DT: Possitively frazzled. Thank you.

    @Bushy: Honest I have no idea why I was even surprised. You'd THINK I'd be use to it by now. *sigh* Sadly Wes is probably the only badass Protag in the Pokemon games, and recently my interest in the series has peaked. But, sadly it is not meant to be, like me and getting a girlfriend.
    Nov 26, 2012
  12. Pinekaboo
    If you kept up with the OOC thread, you'd already know, and we wouldn't have had this discussion.
    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to cuddle my girlfriend.
    Nov 26, 2012
  13. Bushy
    First of all, there were plenty of badass's in the Pokémon games. They may not be protags persay, but there are still some. Further more, other protags were still badass's.
    Second of all, don't give up. I never thought I'd get a girlfriend and then bam. *Shrugs*
    Just stay positive.
    Nov 26, 2012
  14. burnitup
    I do keep up with it. I just have a terrible memory.
    Nov 26, 2012
  15. burnitup
    @Bushy, how many of them blow up a base in the first minute of the game?
    Dude, I'm too old to fool myself if such stupidity.
    Nov 26, 2012
  16. Pinekaboo
    >too old
    >younger than me
    Kay then.
    Nov 26, 2012
  17. burnitup
    I'm older in spirit.
    Nov 26, 2012
  18. Pinekaboo
    Sure, because you've been through a four-year stint of depression, emotionally neglected by your parents, and constantly pushed to the point where you felt you had no choice but to walk out on your home of 13 years.
    Nov 26, 2012
  19. Bushy
    BIU. The answer to that question is "Too many." Trust me on that. You're not the only one going through that, a lot of people 'have' and a lot 'are'.
    Nov 26, 2012
  20. Bushy
    I've been through it so many times, it's ridiculous.
    Nov 26, 2012
  21. burnitup
    Perhaps we should stop with this crap now. We've spammed HoL's profile too much I feel.
    Nov 27, 2012
  22. Hiro ✩
    Hiro ✩

    In all seriousness though, doesn't he say, "Lucario! Aura Sphere!" In the dubbed Animated Debut Trailer?
    Nov 27, 2012
  23. Pinekaboo
    He also speaks a lot when you aren't playing as him, or when you're filming a Pokéstudios movie.
    Nov 27, 2012
  24. Hiro ✩
    Hiro ✩
    As does Mei.

    Jeez Nick. You're really in the dark here.
    Nov 27, 2012
  25. Lite
    I wake up and get online to see that I've got 22 f*cking alerts, all of them on my profile!? SERIOUSLY!?

    Nah, I kid. I don't mind at all. As for the Trainer thing, it's unfortunate, but that's how it works in Cove. First come first served.

    And Hec...Shuddup. ;-;
    Nov 27, 2012
  26. starseeker3
    Might I suggest Red from Black/Creepy Black (Fan Game) He is pretty boss.
    Nov 27, 2012
  27. Hiro ✩
    Hiro ✩
    Why should I shut up? I don't have a silent character c:
    Nov 27, 2012
  28. Pinekaboo
    What exactly you call Red then, Hec?
    Nov 27, 2012
  29. burnitup
    If you want to be technical DT, Red is Ash.
    Nov 27, 2012
  30. Pinekaboo
    Wrong. Ash never achieved anything in 10 years, Red beat the league in a few days and then sat on a mountain for two years eating nothing but raw snow.
    Nov 27, 2012
  31. Lite
    BIU....Buddy...Pal...Do not ever utter that sentence ever again.
    Nov 27, 2012
  32. burnitup
    Again, I said technically.
    Nov 27, 2012
  33. Lite
    But he's not "technically" Ash either. They're two completely different characters. Their only similarities is that they wear SLIGHTLY similar clothing, and even that's a stretch.
    Nov 27, 2012
  34. burnitup
    Nov 27, 2012
  35. Pinekaboo
    Wore. Ash was originally based off of Red, but no longer is because of character divergence. Entirely different universes, entirely different people, coincidentally sharing the same house in different dimensions.
    Nov 27, 2012
  36. burnitup

    You know upon retrospect, I have the most powerful Pokemon character under my command already in the CC. So I'm not to sure why I was concern before.
    Nov 27, 2012
  37. Pinekaboo
    You've never formally reserved a Pokémon character.
    Nov 27, 2012
  38. burnitup
    What do you mean?
    Nov 27, 2012
  39. Lite
    Did you ever post in the OOC thread saying you reserved the character in question?
    Nov 27, 2012
  40. burnitup
    Hidden reserve. You should know who HoL, you figured out who. Don't tell folks. :P
    Nov 27, 2012
  41. Lite
    Ah, okay. I remember now.
    Nov 27, 2012
  42. burnitup
    Goodie! So how are you today?
    Nov 27, 2012
  43. Pinekaboo
    I was never told of this reserve, and thus it isn't legit.
    Nov 27, 2012
  44. burnitup
    You were told. So was Droid.
    Nov 27, 2012
  45. Pinekaboo
    There is no evidence of your claim.
    Nov 27, 2012
  46. Bushy
    Holy ****. 25 alerts... Kay then.
    And uh... yeah, Ash and Red are completely different. Just backing that up.
    Nov 27, 2012
  47. burnitup
    Made the reserves Aug 21, 2012. I still have the conversation as evidence.

    @Bushy: WE WORK FAST.
    Nov 27, 2012