Well, Arch has already made a nemesis for my dude.
However, I know for a fact we're meant to have more than one anyway. So it's fine with me.
You may wish to talk to Bueno about it too, but yeah. I don't see an issue with it.
I'm not too sure about Sari having found a vessel actually having been able to contain her as other Demon Lords would have done such a thing were it possible. That's the only thing I think I see an issue with.
That was originally Iblis's plan too, but it was deemed impossible.
So unless there was something special (and even then... that still wouldn't explain why other Demon Lords had no luck finding such humans) perhaps about this particular human vessel? Or maybe Sari isn't as powerful as someone of Demon Lord level (but obviously still quite strong - and then you wouldn't need to have her as weakened as she is) which means she wouldn't overwhelm who she has possessed. But even then, I'm still unsure... :/
So I may have to ask something to be worked on for that, and I can discuss it with you later if need be and you need it. As I said, we can talk to Bueno about it too, but yeah.
Sorry to be a pain. lol
I can just edit it to change her into a demon that isn't a lord but a self-proclaimed queen instead if that works better. Sorry for all the mistakes, I made it and I haven't slept yet.
Oh don't worry about it. XD
IT wasn't a mistake. It's just that you weren't to know. Either of those sound fine anyway. I do like the idea of her being a self proclaimed Queen. That sounds cool, but ultimately it's up to what you'll be happy with. lol
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