Comments on Profile Post by Pinekaboo

  1. Droid
    Brilliant idea, not only will this help keep the OOC a little more focused, it should strengthen the community as a whole.
    Grand job, DT~
    Nov 7, 2012
  2. Pinekaboo
    Glad you approve. It was Jayn's post that made me think of it.
    Nov 7, 2012
  3. Droid
    Good 'ol Jayn.
    Of course I'm going to have to make an intricate banner for the family thread, unless you'd like to handle that thread's graphics?
    Nov 7, 2012
  4. Pinekaboo
    I'd appreciate you doing so. I'm not quite as good yet; best I can do is image selection and cropping.
    Nov 7, 2012
  5. Droid
    I'd love to, gives me a project to work on later. I enjoy making the graphics for the cove almost as much as actually RPing in it.
    Nov 7, 2012
  6. Pinekaboo
    I know what you mean. I rather enjoy making my character's banners. Simple but nice to see.
    Nov 7, 2012