Oh, yeah. Only I have permissions to post it there. I thought it was non-chorus related, though? o: Unless it...is chorus related. Which is fine! I'm just going to have to post it there.
Hmm. Well, maybe it's better for it to be stand-alone / non-attached to the chorus? Most people associate KHVC with me and would be more likely to come to me with problems and mixing and stuff, but for this competition you'd be doing most of everything.
Yes indeed! But the thing is, I'd have to post the thread if it were in KHVC. The permissions don't allow anyone other than myself (and maybe the super mods/admins) to post threads.
Oh, right! That's what I was going to do. I was going to ask what time the entries are due? Is it just midnight on the day EST or something else? Haha. There's 'EST' after November 14th so I was curious. xD
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