Comments on Profile Post by ShibuyaGato

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  2. ShibuyaGato
    lol, yeah I know. I just felt like pointing out, you Nub. xDD And hey, do you think tomorrow would me alright to talk? It could be our thing. Skyping Sundays with Pricklebutt and Mrs. Moob. :3
    Oct 6, 2012
  3. Ienzo
    D: Sorry I didn't answer before. It's a bit late to do something worth while now but how about tomorrow night? If worst comes to worst then thursday will definitely be good for me :3

    Also... I finished KH3D... lolwot? XEHANORTS EVERYWHERE!
    Oct 7, 2012
  4. ShibuyaGato
    Oct 7, 2012
  5. Ienzo
    So jealous right now! Although, I've had a hair cut and so could probably gel my hair to look like his in order to go to the London comic con in >:3 I now need a tweed jacket!

    I have so many questions that I'm confuzzled about to be honest.
    Oct 7, 2012
  6. ShibuyaGato
    Oh yes, I bet you are. >:3 And I'm just a tad bit jealous of, you know, the chance to meet him. Well, all you really need is a knock off. That's what mine is and it looks so damn good.

    When we talk, you can ask away. It's easier to explain it through speech than through text.
    Oct 7, 2012
  7. Ienzo
    A knock off? What's that?

    Yeah I was going to xD and with only 400 characters I doubt you could tell me much.
    Oct 7, 2012
  8. ShibuyaGato
    A knock off is like something fake that can pass for the real thing. For example, my jacket isn't actually tweed. It only looks like it.

    Oh yeah. I'd have to write a whole wiki just to get my point across. And my friends have LITERALLY called me the "walking KH wiki."
    Oct 7, 2012
  9. Ienzo
    Ahh, I thought it was an actual type of clothing like a jacket is xD Well that may be my goal, I may not dress up to be honest as I don't think my friend will so I'd feel a bit silly :3

    Hehe, well at least you are knowledgable about the game :3 I was disappointed by the secret ending though, I was expecting something more exclusive.
    Oct 7, 2012
  10. ShibuyaGato
    Pfft. Well, you know I'll come and join you whenever you want (or in the summer; whichever comes first). <3

    Yeah well, Nomura has gotten somewhat lazy now. I mean, no KH 1.5 HD ReMIX localization? Like, wtf???
    Oct 7, 2012
  11. Ienzo
    :D SUMMMA!!!!!

    Well yes, perhaps one day we might get something but probably not. As long as we get KH3.

    I am ready to talk tonight if you're still up for it : D
    Oct 8, 2012
  12. ShibuyaGato
    *sigh* Summer... <3

    Yeah, maybe. Then again, when have we EVER gotten any of the Final Mixe-shot-

    Of course. Just give me a minute... and I'm eating atm, so I won't be on cam until I'm done.
    Oct 8, 2012
  13. Ienzo
    I look forward to summer <3 I will have months of having to do NOTHING! and it will be glorious, I'm not excited about anyone in particular who may be visiting my country, no not at all xD

    Silly Japon (yes, Japon because it sounds funny) surely that is another way to make money for them. I just want KH Re: CoM without having to get special equipment.

    Eating and on KHV? Oh my xD
    Oct 8, 2012
  14. ShibuyaGato
    I know. Oh totally. Besides, nobody important ever comes to MY country...

    Well, even with the updated graphics, I personally don't think Re:CoM is worth it. /still hasn't beaten either CoM

    Oh yes! But I'm done now, so whenever you're ready. >:3
    Oct 8, 2012
  15. Ienzo
    Yeah, because we all know America smells and isn't at all powerful. The world totally wouldn't notice if America vanished xD

    I can see what you mean but I already own it and I just prefer the updated graphics in games.

    I'll be there in just a moment.
    Oct 8, 2012
  16. ShibuyaGato
    Oh yeah, obviously. And I'm just a smelly bumf from a smelly part of a smelly world. If I disappeared, nobody would notice.
    Except Amau-shot-

    Fair enough. I'd probably be the same way if it were me.

    Okay. I'm just here.
    Oct 8, 2012
  17. Ienzo
    Well I'm glad we agree! HO HO HO HO xD

    I want to know what ACTUALLY goes on in that game, I understand the plot but I want to know how everything happens!
    Oct 8, 2012
  18. ShibuyaGato
    Yes, I am too.

    Two words. Youtube walkthrough,
    Oct 9, 2012
  19. Ienzo
    Yeah but you don't get the experience of playing the actual game ;-;
    Oct 9, 2012
  20. ShibuyaGato
    Maybe not, but at least you can see EVERYTHING that happens in the whole game.
    Oct 9, 2012
  21. Ienzo
    You can also see everything if you play the game :3
    Oct 9, 2012
  22. ShibuyaGato
    Do you know what else you can do when you play the game?

    Rage. So much rage...
    Oct 9, 2012
  23. Ienzo
    Yeah but that is a negative idea of playing a game xD think of the enjoyment you got out of finally beating Julius!
    Oct 9, 2012
  24. ShibuyaGato
    True enough, but 3D's battle system WASN'T totally broken...
    Oct 9, 2012
  25. Ienzo
    The card system can't be completely broken can it? xD
    Oct 10, 2012
  26. ShibuyaGato
    Oh, but it is. It's just AWFUL...
    Oct 10, 2012
  27. Ienzo
    I thought it was the same as the GBA version?
    Oct 11, 2012
  28. ShibuyaGato
    It is, but it just feels broken for me on both.
    Oct 11, 2012
  29. Ienzo
    Oh my, fair enough xD but it's similar to flick rush! :3 It's not my favourite fighting method but it's not terrible imo... although, I've never finished the game.
    Oct 13, 2012
  30. ShibuyaGato
    Yeah, but you have less control over it, you can't flick the cards, and it just hates me. ;~;
    Oct 13, 2012
  31. Ienzo
    xD Well at least it's better than FF battling system (I do not work well with turn based fighting)
    Oct 13, 2012
  32. ShibuyaGato
    Oh, neither do I. When you put me into a turn-based game, I rage quit within a few hours. To this day, I haven't beaten FFXIII.
    Oct 13, 2012
  33. Ienzo
    Me neither, it still sits under my TV just watching me :3 perhaps I'll pick it up again. Strange though, I still really want to play a pokemon game xD
    Oct 14, 2012
  34. ShibuyaGato
    Yeah, I've tried to pick it up again so many times, but it always ends with my ragequitting. Wait, you mean you've never even played a Pokémon game? o.o
    Oct 14, 2012
  35. Ienzo
    I don't think I've played it long enough to rage quit xD I just get bored.

    Never ;-; I plan on buying the new one comnig out for 3DS or play one of the original where I can use charmander :D
    Oct 14, 2012
  36. ShibuyaGato
    Oh wow. I think I'm a third of the way through, but I just can't. I really don't know how Kitty did it.

    Ah, well I've heard Black/White 2 are supposed to be good, though nothing beats FireRed/LeafGreen (the GBA reboots of Red/Blue/Green/Yellow which are probably going to be 10x cheaper).
    Oct 14, 2012
  37. Ienzo
    PERSEVERE CAT! >:3 Ahh, who am I kidding? Some people are obviously just talented for these sorts of games.

    Yeah, I could probably download it somewhere on the internet to be honest (my sister did a while back).
    Oct 14, 2012
  38. ShibuyaGato
    AND YOU WILL CONQUER KT! Yeah, that seems to be the case.

    Emulators are always the cheaper (and often easier) option. I was forced to do it for two of the Ace Attorney games a while back, since I'm not going to pay $200 for two DS games.
    Oct 14, 2012
  39. Ienzo
    You are obviously just brilliant at beating up Julius :3 while I am obviously just amazing at... something else!

    Yeah! Those games are crazy expensive! I wanted to play them as well until I saw the price ;-; I will definitely play a pokemon game of some sort before I die! I am returning to the amazing world of pokemon now as I grow up ^^
    Oct 14, 2012
  40. ShibuyaGato
    Well, beating up Julius was more luck than anything else. I can't seem to do it again, even with the Ultima Weapon.
    Oct 14, 2012
  41. ShibuyaGato
    I found the first one pretty cheap at GameStop one day (by complete accident) and I've been hooked ever since. Yeah, I haven't been able to pick it up in a while. Black and White were intriguing with the 3D environments at first, but I haven't been able to pick it up again since I hit the fourth(?) gym.

    Damn 420 character limit...
    Oct 14, 2012
  42. Ienzo
    Don't stop... BELIEVING! I'm sure you could do it again some day xD I plan to level up a lot before going on to fight him again.

    The fourth gym? Lolwot? Well, I will play one someday. It'll either be the 3D one of the first leaf green/yellow/tardis blue or whatever xD

    What do you even do in the Ace attorney games, all I see is characters talking- BOOT TO THE HEAD!
    Oct 15, 2012
  43. ShibuyaGato
    Hold on to that FEEE-HEEE-EEEELING! Maybe, but it doesn't look like that'll be anytime soon.

    There are eight per game. Lol, if they made Pokémon: TARDIS Blue, I'd buy it. <3

    You become an attorney and rage at the stupidity of all these characters. No seriously.

    Also, sorry I haven't been on a lot. School and stuff, you know. ;~;
    Oct 15, 2012
  44. ShibuyaGato
    Also, TWO MORE DAYS! How does it feel knowing that you're almost legal in America?
    Oct 15, 2012
  45. Ienzo
    You can do it Catalino! If you believe.... xD

    8 gyms per game? Ahh yes- so you need 8 badges? Amirite?

    XD So what is the 'game' or is it like a movie? xD

    It's okay, we all need a break at times and school+life=;-; I'm the same sometimes so don't worry, we'll catch up when you can get on. Make learning a priority! /nerd
    Oct 16, 2012
  46. Ienzo
    I R SO XCITED MUN! Legal in America? For what? xD Tomorrow I'll be legal for everything in the UK!
    Oct 16, 2012
  47. ShibuyaGato
    So can you, Sedgwick! All you've gotta do is follow your heart.

    Yep, and then you can fight the Elite Four and the Champion in the hopes of winning the ultimate glory in a video game. xDD

    Well then, I suppose we should just take an early summer. >:3
    Oct 16, 2012
  48. ShibuyaGato
    Legal as in you can vote and smoke. Drinking age is 21 though.

    Really? Legal for everything at 18? I R SO JULLY!
    Oct 16, 2012
  49. Ienzo
    Follow my heart.... but it's part of me ;-; I cannot remove it from my body.

    I must play one day just because LOL! I don't know why.


    Yeha, I can vote, drink, have sex (well, this was 16), get married without my parents permission, sign my own consent forms, buy anything! Wooo! Actually, a few things might be 21 in certain shops...
    Oct 16, 2012
  50. ShibuyaGato
    Yes you can. All you need is a Keyblade. >:3

    We'll play together... my god, WHY DOES EVERYTHING COME OUT SO WRONG?

    Summer? SUMMER? ...Comic Con? :/derp:

    Pfft. Waiting until you're legal to have sex...
    Oct 16, 2012
  51. Ienzo
    xD I didn't even set up that reference! Hehe, how perfect.

    Because you have a dirty mind Cat, YOU HAVE CONTAMINATED MY INNOCENCE!

    Comicconcomicconcomiccon! 1 WEEK!

    xD I know right? So old fashioned nowadays.
    Oct 16, 2012