May 27, 2008
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Aug 19, 1992 (Age: 32)
On the other side of the internet.
Writer/Costco Assistant/Being British/Roadie


"Don't think. Imagine!", Male,, 32, from On the other side of the internet.


Does this now mean I'm a Rainbow Ninja? I stand out even more! My stealth is non-existant! UNLESS I HIDE IN RAINBOWS THEMSELVES! Genius. Apr 5, 2017

    1. Pinekaboo
      Let me know if/when you want to do something later, kay?
    2. Jayn
      Thanks for reminding me, in the future you can do it on your own, just link me to the instrumental you sent!

    3. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      <-----My body is ready
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Bushy
        The clothes would have aged to be appropriate for her age.
        Sep 26, 2012
      3. Bushy
        So... it wouldn't look wrong. :/
        That's what I had been kinda getting at in the transforming post.
        He made her clothes not only the right size, but age appropriate.
        Sep 26, 2012
      4. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        Oh, alright. ^^'
        Sep 26, 2012
    4. SmashFan127
      Darn, man! Sometimes, things get complicated, know what I'm saying?
      1. Bushy
        Um... not really? lol
        Sep 21, 2012
      2. SmashFan127
        .........At least Crossover Sagas will allow unlimited OCs and Canons
        Sep 21, 2012
      3. Bushy
        Uh... good, I guess?
        Doesn't seem all that complicated though, so I still don't really understand what you meant.
        But fair enough.
        Sep 21, 2012
    5. Droid
      CROSSOVER STAFF ASSEMBLE on my wall cause Hero was asking about something.
    6. burnitup
      Hey Bushy. Thought I'd drop by to say hi. :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. burnitup
        I see. Thank you for your advice Bushy.

        Now I just need to decide if I should tone down or not another possible character death.

        Yeah, I like planning way ahead.
        Sep 19, 2012
      3. Bushy
        Planning ahead is pretty good. Of course, it's nice to also leave room for improv.
        I usually aim to make room for both.
        Sep 19, 2012
      4. burnitup
        I couldn't agree more. For example, remember how a while back I had an idea for an arc in the CC? Well since that time I've improved upon it. Revised it and now it's pretty much a different plot. One I am very proud of. Granted it won't happen for a long time (we need to finish DT's arc and whoever comes next's) but hey, that just gives me more time to work on it.
        Sep 19, 2012
    7. Pinekaboo
      *sigh* You know what's a pain? Having a laptop that doesn't work outside of Safe Mode.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Bushy
        The most I can suggest is to try downloading some programmes such as Malwarebytes (just google it) and to run it while in safe mode of course.
        Otherwise, you may have to consider taking it to a PC shop and explaining the issue. They should know the files to take care of anyway. :/
        Sep 18, 2012
      3. Bushy
        I wish I could be more help... but at the time when I had my own issue, I had a friend (a fricking genius with comps at that/like he can fix any issue) help me out personally, but I haven't been in contact with him in ages. :/
        Sep 18, 2012
      4. Pinekaboo
        I have malware bytes, and did try it. I guess I'll try it again. The issue with that is that it's really godawfully slow, and sometimes freezes.
        Sep 18, 2012
    8. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    9. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      1. View previous comments...
      2. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        Yay~ *stalk stalk*

        Of course! You are uber epic! Just how you like lovely stuff made you epic right way to me! 8D
        Sep 11, 2012
      3. Bushy
        Well, you're pretty epic yourself. XD

        Who can help but like the lovely stuff? It's just... Hnng.
        Sep 12, 2012
      4. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        Oh hush, I am not xD You're far more epic than I can ever be~

        Nuuuuuuuu not a heart attack D: *gets difibrillator*
        Sep 12, 2012
    10. Shy
      DT said to talk to you about teaching??? ... I'm looking at possible career options...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Bushy
        Ah... I only really know about the school path. :/
        And even then, I'm just sorta going into it myself. It's not like I've actually done it yet.
        Sep 12, 2012
      3. Shy
        Ah right i seeee, well i hope it goes well and i wish you luck c: I not sure what to do, teaching, police, film editor .. theres quite a few ideas ive had.
        Sep 12, 2012
      4. Bushy
        Hmm... well the best thing to do would be to narrow them down, and that'd likely be by calling places up and seeing what info they can give you. See if you can get someone to talk to you etc.
        That's likely the best advice I can give you for now.
        But I wish you luck too. :)
        Sep 12, 2012
    11. Labrys
      I'm enjoying Erureka seven alot. First anime that ever made me laugh my ass off .
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Bushy
        Sep 9, 2012
      3. Labrys
        Can I hug you? :'D
        Sep 9, 2012
      4. Bushy
        You may. XD

        If you need anything, or have any questions etc. Feel free to ask. I'm always up for discussions when it comes to anime. lol
        Sep 9, 2012
    12. burnitup
      1. Bushy
        Neither seem that scary...
        But if I have to choose which is scarier than the other. I'd say Tyranids.
        But that's from looking at the pictures alone. I'm not reading walls of text. lol
        Sep 8, 2012
      2. burnitup
        So giant galaxy eating bugs over zombie Terminators. Got it. Thank you Bushy. :)
        Sep 8, 2012
    13. Jayn
      I misssssss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Bushy
        I miss you too, Onee-sama!
        Feel like having an MSN/Spkype session like the good days? ¦3
        Sep 7, 2012
      3. Jayn
        YES. It has to happen. :'c
        Sep 7, 2012
      4. Bushy
        Let me know when! ;_;
        I'll be there! And we'll have a major catch up and lots of hugs and chats and awesomeness. :3
        Sep 7, 2012
    14. Pinekaboo
      Been trying to talk to you on Messenger for three hours. Heard nothing back. Wanted to be sure everything was okay.
    15. SmashFan127
      Just went outside to cure myself of boredom for a little while.
      1. SmashFan127
        Yep. Pretty obvious I've been bored without you guys.
        Sep 1, 2012
    16. Kites
      i wanted to apologize for not being able to get to your request sooner, i was really busy last night! i will make sure to keep an eye out for anything else in the future, thanks for alerting me though even though plums took care of the issue!! i appreciate members like you letting us know! :-)
      1. Bushy likes this.
      2. Bushy
        No worries. Thanks for getting back to me. XD
        Yeah, in the end I managed to talk to Plums about it, so I deleted it from your wall as I figured it would be pointless being there too and I didn't want to seem like a pain to multiple staff.
        I completely forgot that staff can see deleted stuff though. :P
        Aug 31, 2012
    17. SmashFan127
      Hey. One thing to say.
      Sorry. Sorry for annoyances, sorry for godmods, sorry for useless questions, sorry for disobedience, sorry for anger.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SmashFan127
        What did you think of it? BTW, if you HAVE seen it, you can check out "Team Fabulous 2" which is 10 mins shorter
        Aug 30, 2012
      3. SmashFan127
        By the way, Legato has something I haven't revealed.
        Aug 30, 2012
      4. Bushy
        I don't know too much about Legato other than what I've researched.
        Aug 31, 2012
    18. Pinekaboo
      Finally got past a boss in SRW that I was struggling with. By buffing myself with every single enhancement Mazinger Z had and tanking it. Took me three turns to defeat it with more than 3/4 of my current health remaining, and it was a one-on-one battle with something that had 15000hp.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Bushy
        Um... I need a link to a picture of all 3 materials being older. You got anything like that?
        I've been searching google painfully with no results, and I can't figure out how to get to the site you use usually.
        Aug 25, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        I can't name it here, since it's nsfw. Nor can I get the image myself, for the same reasons, and a direct link to the image wouldn't work anyway.
        Aug 25, 2012
      4. Bushy
        Alright. Damn... I had the perfect response to Droid's "needs" comment, but I need a picture of the older materials to do it.
        Oh well... :/
        Aug 25, 2012
    19. Krowley
      Yes, I'm aware, too lazy too fix it though.
      Thanks for the reminder though.
    20. Amaury
      Hopefully, Misty will be able to help, because I just changed my avatar last night with no issues.
      1. Bushy
        Hopefully yeah. lol
        Aug 21, 2012
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  • About

    Aug 19, 1992 (Age: 32)
    On the other side of the internet.
    Writer/Costco Assistant/Being British/Roadie
    He, Him,
    Past Usernames:
    Bushy Brow
    No Game No Bush
    Default Name:
    ...I have to do an about me thing now?
    ...I'll get to that later. Maybe... lol



    • ¦3 ~OTAKUS RULE!~ ¦3

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