Comments on Profile Post by Cookiie

  1. Beau
    I'm just starting to get into it!
    Oh! and Genie are my favorites. *u*
    Do you like them too? :D
    Sep 18, 2012
  2. Cookiie
    Ahaa in fact I am c:
    My favourites are Into the New World, Run Devil Run, and Genie :3
    Sep 18, 2012
  3. Beau
    I'm going to look those up and give them a listen!
    Also, I took some screen caps of the Oh! music video of Yoona. What do you think? :D
    Sep 18, 2012
  4. Cookiie
    I think they make her look pretty :D But Yoona's really pretty regardless
    The Japanese version of Oh! ? c:
    Sep 18, 2012
  5. Beau
    Yeah! ^u^
    So cute~ :D
    Sep 18, 2012