Comments on Profile Post by SmashFan127

  1. Ansem59
    Thought about it once or twice. What were you thinking about?
    Sep 5, 2012
  2. SmashFan127
    I made an RP and OOC Thread, for a Crossover taking place in the world of Wild Arms 2. If you can save the world map of the RP on your computer and mark X's, I can help with areas you can go.
    Sep 5, 2012
  3. Ansem59
    I appreciate the offer, and I went and looked at your RP thread (Not the OOC one.) And I'm sorry to say this but I'm not interested. I'm busy with other RP's at the moment. I apologize once again! I realize it must be frustrating to get people once you've made a new RP.
    Sep 5, 2012
  4. SmashFan127
    Yeah. It is frustrating.
    Sep 5, 2012