Comments on Profile Post by NutheadBros

  1. Lite
    Oh, you play UMvC3? Awesomeness. I'm glad yet another person can enjoy it's awesomeness.
    Sep 1, 2012
  2. NutheadBros
    yeah I just got it today after playing MvC2 although my team changed between games
    Sep 1, 2012
  3. Lite
    Yeah, the two games are immensely different in gameplay. So it seems you use...Sentinel(?), Morrigan and Ryu?
    Sep 1, 2012
  4. NutheadBros
    close..take out Sentinel for Megaman [2] and Zero [3]
    Sep 1, 2012
  5. Lite
    Ah, I see. I'm a Zero player myself. I use Zero, Ghost Rider and Dormammu.
    Sep 1, 2012
  6. NutheadBros
    Yeah I've been having a somewhat diffucult time in finding my third guy on account of Capcom removing Megaman
    Sep 1, 2012
  7. Lite
    Yeah, it stinks. But, if you ask me, you should use a character with an off-the-ground assist attack, like Wesker or Deadpool. It makes it a lot easier to extend Zero's combos.
    Sep 1, 2012
  8. NutheadBros
    Probably I should try that, right now though I'm trying to remember the exact button combo for getting evidence
    Sep 1, 2012
  9. Lite
    If you're using a regular controller, it's X + [],/\,O on PS3 or A + X, Y or B on 360. Or, in Marvel terms, S + L, M or H.
    Sep 1, 2012
  10. NutheadBros
    so basicly it translates to X + the other face buttons pressed at the same time?
    Sep 1, 2012
  11. Lite
    If on PS3, yes. You'll notice that when Phoenix Wright is out, there are three folders above his Hyper Combo meter. Pressing X and Square fills the first folder (Far left). X and Triangle is the middle, and X and O is the right. Bare in mind that if you get evidence and the folder is dark, it's bad evidence and needs to be thrown out.
    Sep 1, 2012
  12. NutheadBros
    must not work in training mode or something
    Sep 1, 2012
  13. Lite
    It should work in any mode...Are you sure you're pressing them at the same time?
    Sep 1, 2012
  14. NutheadBros
    yeah I'm sure, and I just went into Heroes and Hearalds and did it perfectly
    Sep 1, 2012
  15. Lite
    Hmm...Maybe you can't do it in Training. Well, at least you know how to do it.
    Sep 1, 2012
  16. NutheadBros
    yeah funny thing was that I could go into Trial Mode in training but seems like it's different for all other modes
    Sep 1, 2012
  17. NutheadBros
    Okay, so I agree it's a good game and it might help me with cove reserves in the future
    Sep 1, 2012
  18. NutheadBros
    Okay so I beat Galactus for the first time ever..with Zero
    Sep 2, 2012
  19. Lite
    Nice. Yeah, he can be a bit of a pain if you don't know his patterns. But once you learn them he's pretty easily beaten.
    Sep 2, 2012
  20. NutheadBros
    yeah it's kinda unpredictable, fight didn't even go as planned and Zero had to finish everything
    Sep 2, 2012
  21. Lite
    Once you fight him a few times, you've easily figure out what to do. Actually, I have a video that may help you:

    I know it says it's for the original MvC3, but it still applies to UMvC3.
    Sep 2, 2012
  22. NutheadBros
    Alright, I'll be sure to check it out later, for now I'm going to go nap and think of who to reserve next from that game
    Sep 2, 2012
  23. Lite
    Alrighty. Have a good nap then, lol.
    Sep 2, 2012