Comments on Profile Post by burnitup

  1. Pinekaboo
    Their bodies are mere shells for their soul. They can regenerate lost tissue the same as before, maybe a bit faster, but as far as I'm aware that's by magic, and their body is by all accounts dead. Which is why Sayaka hates it.
    It may or may not be different after-series, though.
    Aug 29, 2012
  2. burnitup
    Okay. So they don't then?
    This is seriously bugging me and the Puella Magi wiki is not useful at all because the only info they have on Magical girls are just a glossery.
    Aug 29, 2012
  3. Pinekaboo
    Before Godoka changed the rules, they couldn't grow any older than they had already, but they could still heal. Afterwards is unknown, because the rules being changed affected a lot of things.
    Aug 29, 2012
  4. burnitup
    Alright, thank you.
    Seriously wish the wiki was better, would make planning an RP easier...
    Aug 29, 2012
  5. Pinekaboo
    I should point out that me and Bushy have been planning a similar RP for a while now.
    Aug 29, 2012
  6. burnitup
    Ah, how's that coming along? Hopefully you having a much less diffecult time then me.
    Aug 29, 2012
  7. Pinekaboo
    Well it's more concept stage. We plan things out for a long time before we do things. The main question is whether it's going to be focused on one series, or be a crossover of magical girl series.
    Aug 29, 2012
  8. burnitup
    Aug 29, 2012
  9. Pinekaboo
    >how to write a crossover
    >one writer is current writer of Crossover Cove, the most popular RP on KHV
    I think we're fine. Thanks though.
    Aug 29, 2012
  10. burnitup
    Just a suggestion. Just try to help is all, not like you needed my help to begin with. ^^;
    Aug 29, 2012
  11. Bushy
    *hi-jacks convo* XD
    To add...

    >Another writer has had a lot of experience with many crossovers...

    Aug 29, 2012
  12. Pinekaboo
    As I said; thanks regardless, but I have been involved in CC's plot from before the RP was up, so I know how to crossovers.
    Aug 29, 2012
  13. burnitup
    *shrug* Indeed. Also, hi Bushy.
    Aug 29, 2012