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Feb 27, 2016
Jan 5, 2012
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November 13
somewhere out there....
Visual Effects/Animation (College Student)


Gummi Ship Junkie, Female, from somewhere out there....

If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme... Aug 22, 2012

strfruit was last seen:
Feb 27, 2016
    1. Llave
      Hatcha cha cha cha its strfruit~
      (I need to come up with a nickname for ye)
      1. strfruit likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. strfruit
        Haha! Yes....some for realz chill time is essential! Time to breathe! :)

        Of course! I would be more than happy to accept this request ^^ Thanks for wanting to add me!
        Feb 8, 2013
      4. Llave
        Oh derp me I already have you added sorry lol.
        Feb 8, 2013
      5. strfruit
        Lol! Ahh! No worries ^^ I am as much of a derp for not realizing it @.@ haha!
        Feb 9, 2013
    2. Llave
      u r such a kind soul <3
      1. strfruit likes this.
      2. strfruit
        D'awwww ^-^
        Thank youuuu!! <3
        Jan 14, 2013
    3. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Hey. Haven't heard from you in a while. How have you been?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody
        Yeah, it really scared me the first time it happened. I'm sure it's just the medicine change, even though it was a really slight drop in dosage. The side effects for these things are weird. Haha

        Yeah, she did, but too late for me to really study it. I took good notes and read most of the chapters that were in the lectures. I'm sure I did okay; hopefully enough for a B. How are things with you?
        Feb 27, 2013
      3. strfruit
        Haha! Yeah, after your body adjusts to the medicine, lowering that dose even just a little can be effective for a little while. >.<

        Well that's good. You'll do good I am sure! :D May even be an A! Haha!
        Things are pretty good. Was assigned my shot of the animation film I am working on Sunday, so I have to finish that by Saturday. I have lots of homework along with that, so things have been quite busy for me this week. Makes the week go by so much faster though. I like that, but at the same time, I don't because deadlines approach quicker....ah!! lol
        Feb 27, 2013
      4. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody
        Yeah. Well, the good news is that the odd shaking has stopped, although we still need to get me Vitamin D supplements, so that may bring them back.

        Haha, maybe, I wouldn't hold out for an A since there was a few things I just had to guess on. Plus, I second guess myself a lot. Oh wow, that sounds difficult but also very fun. Good luck to you. And yeah, when there is a big deadline. The week seems to go by pretty fast. Never fun; all your study time just disappears.
        Feb 27, 2013
    4. Labrys
      Hiding your presence
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Labrys
        I was gonna say "DAAMM AMAURY YOU LOOKIN GOOD" XD
        Jan 3, 2013
      3. strfruit
        Hahaha! Aw...such a nice thing to say ^.^ Thanks! Mood booster of the night!
        Jan 3, 2013
      4. Labrys
        Jan 3, 2013
    5. greater_bloo
      HOOPLA! :D
      Hiya! Just stopping by to say HIYA! xD
      1. strfruit likes this.
      2. strfruit
        Bloo!!!! -hugs- Hey there! Good to hear from you!

        How have you been?
        Dec 17, 2012
    6. Mysty
      Holy cow! You are actually on! :D miss you on here, and in general.
      1. strfruit likes this.
      2. strfruit
        Yes....yes I am! :D Hahaha! Aww...miss you too! I have been having a crazy past two weeks.....@.@ I apologize for not getting to talk to you!
        Dec 15, 2012
    7. Labrys
      Haven't seen you in forever!!!!!!
      1. strfruit likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Labrys
        Dec 16, 2012
      4. strfruit
        Devil May Cry is awesome! That is a great idea....he likes the Devil May Cry series. Perfect! haha Thanks a bunch for the ideas!
        Dec 17, 2012
      5. Labrys
        Your welcome
        Dec 17, 2012
    8. Korosu
      Hi! We haven't spoke for awhile so just thought I'd pop in. ~
      1. strfruit
        :) thanks for popping in!
        It's nice to hear from you! How have you been?
        Sep 1, 2012
    9. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      I do not believe I have ever told you how much I adore your avatar; Aqua is my favorite character. :x
      1. strfruit likes this.
      2. strfruit
        Aww ^^ Thanks so much!
        Aqua is just too awesome!
        I adore yours as well! Pikachu! <3 and his little blue sunglasses......:3 d'aww! So much love for that Pokemon! haha!
        Aug 29, 2012
      3. . : tale_wind
        . : tale_wind
        I'd say thanks, but Jayn is the one who made the avatar. xD It came from this picture of Pikachu playing Super Smash Bros., and you can still kind of see him holding the Gamecube controller~
        Aug 30, 2012
      4. strfruit
        Well she did a really nice job on it! It's adorable! XD
        Ah....Super Smash Bros...and the Gamecube....good times haha!
        Aug 31, 2012
    10. Llave
      Hey you!

      Yeah it's been pretty good. I was on vacation the last week, but I'm sure you knew that hahaa.

      How was yours? When does it end for ye ? ;;
      1. View previous comments...
      2. strfruit
        It was busy but good :D haha! Getting ready for my Aunt to come visit from while packing for fun
        Aug 30, 2012
      3. Llave
        Germany? Are you German or some lineage thereof? 8D

        Oh I'm sure it is a mere blast of fun.
        Aug 30, 2012
      4. strfruit
        Haha na....she just lives there :)
        She and her husband are part of the military so they live close to the base they are assigned to. Pretty neat ^^

        Oh yes! Trying to fit everything into suitcases and into the car....Best. Day. Ever! XD
        Aug 31, 2012
    11. Heartstrings
      Thanks for the welcome! c:
      Your avatar is very pretty, by the way. c:
      1. strfruit likes this.
      2. strfruit
        You are very welcome! ^^
        And aww...thanks so much!
        I really like your avatar as well and that username!! Love it! Haha!
        Aug 26, 2012
    12. Labrys
      1. View previous comments...
      2. strfruit
        That's good to hear :)

        Aw haha! Very thoughtful. It would be nice to get to know you as well!
        Aug 25, 2012
      3. Labrys
        Pm or here?
        Aug 25, 2012
      4. strfruit
        PM may be better :)
        Aug 26, 2012
    13. Plums
      I am pretty sure you VM'd me before the move and I never responded ow VMs are gone and I do not remember. :C xenforo you are a monster
      1. View previous comments...
      2. strfruit
        Good to hear you are doing well :)
        College! Nice! I move into my dorm in September! Fun fun! Haha
        This your first year?

        I am doing lovely! Thanks for asking ^^
        Aug 27, 2012
      3. Plums
        Yep! I took two classes over the summer so I have some credits going in, but aw man it is weird knowing I am moving out (also sure great because freedom)

        And nice o: I hope your roommate actually tries to talk to you before move in haha ;----; (mine has not)
        Aug 27, 2012
      4. strfruit
        Hgood decision on taking classes over the summer. It helps a lot :D
        Yeah, it felt strange moving out of my home my first year, but after a few days of adjusting, it feels kinda nice being able to experience being on your own :)

        Aww :/ well I hope move in went well for you today!
        Aug 27, 2012
    14. strfruit
      If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme...
    15. Mysty
      Apparently I wasn't following you? I feel ashamed.
      1. strfruit
        Aww no worries haha ^^

        I honestly haven't really payed attention to the following thing XD
        Aug 20, 2012
    16. greater_bloo
      (Part 2)
      But yeah this past week I've been trying to make the most of my time left. I played a bunch of games I thought I would never touch again, Chatted with a few people I haven't talked to in awhile, Cannonballed into my pool for the heck of it, etc. etc. lol

      Anyways enough about my depressing story what about you!? Hope you had a great summer! XD
      1. strfruit
        CANNONBALLLL!!! lol

        Aww haha that wasn't depressing XD
        At least you made the most of the time you had left! What you did doesn't sound bad at all! ^^

        Thank you! My Summer has been well. I too haven't really done much. I went to the beach last Thursday but that's all I did "vacationy" all Summer XD
        Aug 21, 2012
      2. strfruit
        I've been busy working and helping out family most of the Summer. However, I did get to spend time with my friends, so that's a plus! :D

        How was your first day back at school?
        Hoping it went well ^^

        (No worries at all for late reply! haha)
        Aug 21, 2012
    17. greater_bloo
      Heya! Sorry for the late reply! >_<

      Anyways Summer's been so-so, nothing really awesome happened but it was a nice rest from school. Tomorrow I have to go back. T_T Hope that vacation mentality doesn't carry over!

      But yeah for the past week I've had this urge to make the most of the time left.

      (Continued in Part 2)
    18. Excasr
      Thank you. <3
      1. strfruit likes this.
      2. strfruit
        You are very welcome, my friend :)
        I hope all gets better for you real soon ^^
        Aug 18, 2012
    19. Mysty
      Hey there missy. What do you think of the site revamp?
      1. strfruit
        Helloooo ^^

        I actually am liking it! :D Still getting used to some things, but in all it's nice! haha! How about you?

        (disliking these smileys though.....XD)
        Aug 18, 2012
      2. Mysty
        Well, its facebook mixed with KHv. It is taking some getting used to. I see you are now Aqua. What to do with you. first you become my Kairi, and now Aqua. What am I going to do with you lil sis.
        Aug 18, 2012
      3. strfruit
        ^^ hehe! Yes...I am Aqua now....I adore this pic XD
        Aug 18, 2012
    20. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Hey. Sorry for not replying in a long time. The hospital has gotten to me a bit.

      How have you been?

      I finally got my hands on Lollipop Chainsaw, which is freaking awesome. I suck at video games, but that doesn't take away from the fun I am having.
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  • About

    November 13
    somewhere out there....
    Visual Effects/Animation (College Student)



    "One day you will look into the mirror and see yourself as a person
    rather than just a reflection."


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