Comments on Profile Post by ShibuyaGato

  1. Ienzo
    I wish I could like this more than once xD That is beautiful and depicts us well I think xD
    Aug 26, 2012
  2. ShibuyaGato
    Oh yes! I'll probably make more later too. I just have to wait for this stupid storm to pass and stuff.

    And then I'm so upset because I can't rip the episodes of Doctor Who I have on DVD and use them in Vegas. I blame Moffat.
    Aug 26, 2012
  3. Ienzo
    Being very productive with your time I see xD I am not complaining though, the work is beautiful <333

    Why can't you? And yes, Moffat is the cause of all DW related traumas xD
    Aug 26, 2012
  4. ShibuyaGato
    Oh yes! Aww, thanks, though I am crap at making gifs from scratch.

    Becaue the files are encrypted or locked and all you can only view them, not use them. Yes, he is. Also, my mom just called Ten-inch a dweeb. I am disappoint in her...
    Aug 26, 2012
  5. Ienzo
    A dweeb? D: NUUUUUUUU! You must hypnotise her and convert her xD although, she likes Smith so I don't mind : D

    Are there specific episodes you want? Or the whole lot? If I can learn how to use a ZIP file then I might be able to send some to you (but there are a lot, 23.3GB)
    Aug 26, 2012
  6. ShibuyaGato
    I knoooow! And gee, thanks. xD

    Well, I would just enjoy being able to edit with everything up to the end of series six (maybe even The Doctor The Widow and the Wardrobe if I can find it). I can always help you with turning it into a .zip file if you need me to. And I'd really appreciate it if you did send it. File size doesn't matter to me. <3<3<3
    Aug 26, 2012
  7. Ienzo
    Anytime babe, you know I'm always there to support you.

    Well, I have everything up to Wedding of River Song except: The Idiots lantern, The rise of the Cybermen, The age of steel and Love and Monsters but the rest should be there. Tell me how and I'll see what I can do :3
    Aug 26, 2012
  8. ShibuyaGato
    Oh yes! :3

    That works. I could send you a whole description of how to do it over that convo we're having in what used to be PMs, but I honestly think Skype might be more fun. Take your pick and whichever one you want, I'll do my best.
    Aug 26, 2012
  9. Ienzo
    Well, because I hate you we'll have to skype xD I jest!

    I see what you're trying to do! You're trying to get me in a skype chat with you... oh you seducer xD
    Aug 26, 2012
  10. ShibuyaGato
    Oh gee, that makes me feel SO much better... You'd better be jesting.

    Oh yes, you've foiled my master plan. Or have you? kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeekekekekekekekekekekekeke...
    Aug 26, 2012
  11. Ienzo
    *puts gun down* Ahahaha, I mean what? Asssssssssh
    Aug 26, 2012
  12. ShibuyaGato
    Ash? Dat ash? What?

    Aug 26, 2012