Comments on Profile Post by Pinekaboo

  1. Lite
    I did. I also noticed the Lordgenome one. I'm loving those so far.
    Aug 25, 2012
  2. Pinekaboo
    Lordgenome one looks great, yeah. There's also a Dearche one for Templates now too.
    Aug 25, 2012
  3. Lite
    Oh, really? I shall keep refreshing until I see it.
    Aug 25, 2012
  4. Pinekaboo
    On an entirely different note, SRW Z2 Saisei-hen froze on me, causing me to have to reload up the game. Upon doing so, I came to realise that the game had never once been saved.
    Aug 25, 2012
  5. Lite
    Oh...Dude...I'm so sorry. Need a Dearche-brand hug?
    Aug 25, 2012
  6. Pinekaboo
    Nah, I'm good. Giving up on the game though, it was too much effort wasted for me to bother trying again.
    Aug 25, 2012
  7. Lite
    Yeah, I know how that feels. Same thing happened to me with Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep once. So much progress...Down the crapper...
    Aug 25, 2012
  8. Pinekaboo
    Yep. Problem being that we don't know how to save in Japanese.
    Aug 25, 2012
  9. Lite
    I figured it out in Hakai-Hen, but have since forgotten how...I remember it being while in battle, though. Not sure if it's the same in Sasai-Hen.
    Aug 25, 2012
  10. Pinekaboo
    It's the same game with the story just following on from it. But like I said; I've given up on it now, I don't need to know.
    Aug 25, 2012