Apr 3, 2010
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Awarded Pins 2

Dec 3, 1996 (Age: 28)
New Jersey
Having a jar of dirt.


Traverse Town Homebody, Male, 28, from New Jersey

Y6ljFaKRTrI Oct 30, 2012

    1. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      The news is that Nomura decided to make a HD collection including KHFM, KH: Re CoM and cutscenes from 358/2 days in HD ^^
      Bad news for you is that it's only for PS3 it seems
      1. Wheel of Time
        Wheel of Time
        And good luck with Critical, I imagne it'll be hard ^^
        Oct 1, 2012
    2. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Awesome cake ^^

      lol, that explains a bit :P I thought you had so much school work that you didn't have a single minute to reply to me :P

      I think the story seemed important, well, at least when stuff started happening at the end. Like that would explain why you probably will fight alot of Xehanorts in KH3 ^^
      1. Wheel of Time
        Wheel of Time
        Also it seems interesting with KH HD or what do you think? Hope you haven't missed the news :P
        Sep 30, 2012
    3. Beucefilous
      Hey, i sent you a few messages on skype but none of them went through. So i'm sending you one on KHV. I need your help lol
    4. LadyAzura
    5. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      OK, I've just watched a complete walkthrough of Dream Drop Distance and well, it sure was confusing lol ^^'
      But now I'm up to date so to say lol ^^
    6. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      No, not the new Iphone 5 :P It's Iphone 4S, the new one had not been released when I had my birthday and I just couldn't wait xD But yeah, it's great ^^
    7. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      Hey :) I'm good you?
    8. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Awesome cake ^^ And the time sure flies by :P

      Thanks ^^ Nah, nothing really big was planned/happened but I got an Iphone :P So I'm happy ^^
    9. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Going well thank you ^^
      How about you? ^^

      Yay, I'm 18 :P
    10. Krown
      Adam! What's your 3DS friend code?
    11. awesomeperson
      How are you tonight?
    12. Terra254
    13. awesomeperson
      Hello there..
    14. Terra254
      adam.adam.adam.adam.adam. Is your real name ... Jeffery!?
    15. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Good luck with Hammer World Editor ^^
      And yeah, there is an option to enable the developer console ^^
      Which means there is custom maps for the first game too ^^
    16. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Just wanted to say sorry for not having time to play with you the past days as I needed some time to prepare for school tomorrow ^^'
      And I wanted to say I guess thanks for a fun time playing Portal 2 :P But I guess we play some more once I got some time to spare (and you as well ^^')
      And btw found some more mazes (yay) in the Steam Workshop so that's... Awesome Cake! ^^
    17. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      I see that, it's awesome, Bro.
    18. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      I just found out that I actually can play with you using the PS3 and you the PC, because it's sort of connected to Steam, but it's not possible to play custom maps when I'm on PS3 so I'll have to switch later today ^^
    19. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Message that tells you about the message I posted on Steam ^^
    20. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      lol, that your name is Adam or that you're obsessed with the number 7? xD
      Awesome cake ^^ I'll add you immediately on Skype ^^
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  • About

    Dec 3, 1996 (Age: 28)
    New Jersey
    Having a jar of dirt.
    My god it's been awhile. I don't get on much more than now and then for a passing glance. This is here mostly for keepsakes and nostalgia ;P

    Much love to the friends I made on here and the ones I took with me moving forward.


    It all started here, and I'm okay with that. You were good son, real good. Maybe even the best.​

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