Yeah, the DS ones don't really compare to the others though imo. I don't hate them either, just find the graphics to be a let down when they could have been made for something like the PSP.
I recently just got a 3DS so can't wait to start DDD, I'm hoping it'll live up to expectations.
thats what im worrying about, i never had high expectations for the ds ones except 3d. i feel like what makes the other ds ones not as good is the system they are on, and the 3ds is good so theres no reason 3d should be great
Very true, and I've heard nothing but praise for DDD so I think it'll be good : D The other DS games seemed so static and had a lack of good cutscenens, even if gameplay was good.
to be honest the only reason i plan to play them is because they are kh. i dont like to say that the graphics or gameplay can stop a good story, but when its with an rpg like this that is spread out over so many systems, it would be best to have them all on the strongest, so they all have the same impact, and none come off as weaker than the others.
Yeah, I don't think I would have picked them up if they weren't KH- I'm glad my first one was KH2 so I could enjoy the best of the series.
I really hope that KH3 doesn't come out for the PS4 that is coming out because I refuse to buy a new console for another Kingdom hearts game, that is just stupid.
i still dont have a ps3 (never will) and the only reason i got a psp was for bbs. of course ill have to get a 3ds for ddd, but at least then ill be able to play the other ones as well. i agree, i dont understand why they would put them on so many systems. if i had my way kh3 would be on ps2. i think ps2 was the best choice, and should have been the only choice.
yeah, i figured it would be good to get one because then i could play the other ds ones as well. and im actually interested enough to buy a new system, like i was for bbs.
Yeah, I had no idea the series existed until 2006 so I was a late starter. I played the second game and fell in love with it within a week and then progressed to play the rest and loved them. However, KH2 will always be my favourite because it was my first. What about you? : )
exact same, i remember seeing commercials for it and falling in love before i even knew what it was. when i got it i didnt even really know what rpgs were, so i only got as far as the land of dragons before i gave up, it wasnt till about a year later that i finished the game after playing kh1. kh2 is still my favorite game, it just has so much nostalgic value nothing could beat it.
Yeah, the reason it attracted me was because The Lion King was basically my childhood and to find a game with it in it was just amazing : D
I'm still 100% sure what an rpg is if I'm completely honest- I get it mixed up with other things. I agree, KH2 is just full of fond memories and it just seems more mature than the first one.
I love The Lion King, but i absolutely hate playing through that world. It's painful.
Yeah it is, but i kinda feel like as far as story goes KH1 is a bit better, at times KH2 just feels like its ripping off the story of KH1, i mean they're both about finding a friend. But overall i would without a doubt say KH2 is far better.
I quite enjoyed it once I got used to being on four legs and the completely different fighting style. It's also quite sad because none of original voices were used (bar Rafiki).
It's weird to see how simple the story once was before Chain of memories. In some ways I like the complexity as it leaves more to think about but it's hard for new comers to get stuck into.
Thats the only problem I have at the moment, since I'm so far behind in KH there are a lot of things I don't understand at the moment. I could really use some re-playing to freshen up.
All three stories? That was fast xD It took me a while because I was attempting to complete Terra 100% whilst playing as the others and so playing was slow. Did you have any more enjoyment from it or not?
I didnt bother with the extras.
I enjoyed it more. I feel like the only thing keeping me from loving it is that it just isn't as nostalgic for me as the other games. The problems I have with the layout and such still stand, but other than that I could overlook it all. I still dont like some of the characters, like ven, I really find him annoying, but like I said I like it a lot more now.
Well that's good news ^^ I know what you mean, I started DDD today and, although I am enjoying it, I miss that nostalgic feeling of knowing what is going to happen. Like when you've played the game so much you know exactly what is coming next and you can just relax and play the game again. It's also completely different to the other games.
exactly. Do you mean in terms of style? Because when I was looking at promo pictures and stuff, it seemed like the style had changed to something that I can't really describe. The colors seem much brighter, and there seems to be a lot more energy, it doesn't really seem to have that charm that draws you in like the old games, but I still like the looks of it.
Yes, the colours are very vibrant- like the dream eaters and the places- just so HQ and bold. Mostly the fighting style has changed and I quite enjoy the change as it allows for more variation during battle as you also have commands and the dream eater spirit companions that you can bond with. It's quite complex though, the tutorial is very long xD
yeah, I could understand if they were doing it to test to see what system the series would be best for, now that the ps2 is pretty much done, but that's not what they're doing.
It really doesn't matter that much to me because I don't even have a PS3, so either way I will probably have to buy a new system. But since I'm starting to branch out in gaming I may be buying a system without needing it for a KH game.
I'm in the middle of FF XII and III, as well as TWEWY:SR. I love XII, and III is good. TWEWY:SR is nice, but I would like it more on DS. I plan to play the first 6 FF games, and finish XII, I've already beaten FF. I was told to play Persona 3 here by some people, and I might be interested in 4 as well. Excited to start playing more.
Yeah, I've heard the Persona series is really good, as is the anime. I also really need to play TWEWY because SE! XD I also really like the music from the game. I have tried playing quite a few FF games but I've never really got into one because I'm not a fan of the battlnig system.
I don't know a thing about Personas story or gameplay, I'm just taking their word for it and I like the art. I'm not a huge fan of the battling system for FF, I'm only playing the ones that look like they have the most interesting setting. IV and VI look great for that. I tried playing VII and kinda hated it.
Wow, VII is normally the favourite xD I always like the sound of the story in IX but that was after I played FF dissidia. I much prefer a battling system like in KH where it's just all out with free use of magic and weapons.
Yeah that's what I prefer too, I kinda wonder why not all rpgs are like that, but I can put up with turn based.
I loved dissidia, if not for that I wouldn't be interested in FF at all.
Same here actually, I found out that I suck at it xD but I can still enjoy it. It's also the same reason I've never played any pokemon games- turn based O.o
I went through a huge pokemon kick early in the year, but it wasn't about the gameplay, it was about the strategy of building a team, and collecting the ones that I wanted. I love things like that. That said I got really bored with it after a while, because the actual playing part just wasn't that fun, and the stories were so weak I couldn't stay interested beyond collecting them.
Yeah, I always thought the collecting Pokemon looked like the best bit to be honest. There are quite a lot of games aren't there so the stories may be all quite similar? I don't know though, never played as I said xD
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