Comments on Profile Post by Hiro ✩

  1. Pinekaboo
    I've responded. Hopefully this will get through to him.
    Aug 23, 2012
  2. Hiro ✩
    Hiro ✩
    Yeah. Despite his flaws, it would be a shame to see him have to leave.
    Aug 23, 2012
  3. Pinekaboo
    Even so, it's obvious his attitude his putting you off of Cove somewhat. You should know; I'm completely behind you in this, and if it comes down to kicking him or you leaving, we'd rather keep you in.
    Aug 23, 2012
  4. Hiro ✩
    Hiro ✩
    Thank you. I just hope it doesn't get to the point of either of those things.
    Aug 23, 2012
  5. Pinekaboo
    As do I.
    Aug 23, 2012