Sep 30, 2006
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8:30 AM
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Jul 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


This silence is mine, Female, 29


Pink?! Aug 5, 2021

    1. ShibuyaGato
    2. Amaury
      Go back to Christoph already.
      How do you have a one-letter username when usernames must be three characters?
      Stop being invisiburu.
      1. C
        I'm too lazy. It feels so good just having to type in one letter when I'm signing in
        idk, ask the staff
        But I am the night.
        Jul 30, 2013
      2. Amaury
        Lazybutt. :3
        If I had to guess, it has to do with the XenForo move. vBulletin allowed one-letter usernames probably, and you were C before the move, right?
        So? You can be a visiburu night. :3
        Jul 30, 2013
      3. C
        That's even more reason to not change back then, since I would be unable to ever use this name again. plus it makes me feel special
        But I would be unable to pop out and scaring people, like a night is supposed to do, yo
        Jul 30, 2013
    3. C
      Skyfri himmel
      1. C
        Illuminate the sky
        Jul 23, 2013
    4. Korosu
      the wiener goes in the butt.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Korosu
        Oh, awesome. I'll try and see if it's out on DVD here.

        You're so moe. 40 hours in one sitting or breaks and stuff? If in one sitting, dear lord. So manly.

        I'm pretty swell, thank you for asking. Yeah, I have a time limit though, have to be off at 6:30pm(everything technology) and go spend time with my family in the seating room (arguing about everything is pretty rad). But it's great that I can sorta talk to people properly again. New Skype, too. So Charlotte or he who shall not be named, can't attempt to contact me (plus the fact my sister forgot what she changed my passwords too, derp)

        Shall I add you on there? o:
        Apr 29, 2013
      3. C
        It was more like 15 hours two days in a row, then the rest were here and there. I'm too old to play that much in one sitting :c

        That's great to hear. So can't the rest of your family use the TV or anything after that either then? At least it doesn't discriminate.

        Yes please, although I'm working nights this week so, but yeah. Add me, I want to tease you on skype again like old times.
        Apr 30, 2013
      4. Korosu
        Deary me, didn't you take any breaks during those hours? Just, oh my god. Even after an hour playing games, I ache. Bless u, hard-core gamer chrissy. You are old, an old man. I can see the whiskers on your chin.

        Oh, no. Sorry, I didn't make myself clear enough! We all go in the front room (minus the babies) and sit around talk, watch the tv etc. I meant, for the individuals who use their techy stuff have to off their own things by 6:30. If that makes any sense? Yeah.

        Alrighty, I'll seek out your skype address since I forgot it. Aw, that must be horrible and tiring. I look forward to it! Though, I'm only online four hours a day (outside school wise).
        May 1, 2013
    5. ShibuyaGato
    6. Labrys
      Ah I have returned from my two month break
      1. Indecypher likes this.
    7. Jayn
      *howls* <3
      1. C
        Hey babycakes, miss you <3 I've moved into hotel though, where I'll probably be staying for the rest of the year and we have the internets and jazz o: So that's fun <: How are you doin'?
        Jan 12, 2013
      2. Jayn
        Oh, yay!!! That's really great! I'm doing alright.~ Trying to fix this darn sleeping schedule.
        Jan 12, 2013
    8. Jayn
      :'c Chrissss. Chris y. Chriiis pls cm bck. miss u <3
      1. C
        I'm back now! Got delayed because of sickness and jazz, but hey hello!
        Nov 8, 2012
    9. Llave
      1. C
        Bless this profile comment
        Oct 19, 2012
    10. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      <3 Miss you!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. C
        You should rest then, it won't do to be all tired and jazz. Did I tell you about what I'm doing? o:
        Oct 19, 2012
      3. Cherry Berry
        Cherry Berry
        Nope! What you doing? :3
        Oct 20, 2012
      4. C
        I'll send you a PM about it <:
        Oct 20, 2012
    11. Korosu
      COME BACK ALREADY. ;_________; NOBODY GETS MY REFERENCES. i miss you butt.
    12. C
      Laundry fun
    13. Fork
      I miss you ;-; you're the best female ever.
    14. Jayn
      *Howls at the moon*
      1. C
        Once in a blue moon, you can hear me howl back
        Oct 8, 2012
      2. Jayn
        Oh my gosh. ;~~; <3333333
        Oct 8, 2012
    15. Sabby
      D: why you leave???? I'll miss you
    16. SmashFan127
      Hi. That conversation got a little overboard, don't you think?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SmashFan127
        Didn't you ever participate in an RP before and get insulted because of it?
        Sep 7, 2012
      3. C
        Nah, I've only been in one RP and that was a fair few years ago. I quit it because it wasn't my thing.
        Sep 7, 2012
      4. SmashFan127
        Oh. Sorry about that, I didn't know.
        Sep 7, 2012
    17. Labrys
    18. C
      Why is he climbing a mountain?
    19. Mysty
      you are being given a warning. Do not talk outside of the games or you will be erased.
      1. C
        Just go ahead and do it. I was going to play the game by its rules, but now when we have done this move, I can't stay out of the discussions and what not.
        Aug 16, 2012
    20. C
      This move has made me all hot and bothered. Mhhhm . Yes.
      1. Korosu likes this.
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  • About

    Jul 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Past Usernames:
    Master Bate


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