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Sep 26, 2014
Jun 16, 2007
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Feb 28, 1996 (Age: 29)
Home Page:
Gotham City


I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ ), Female, 29, from Gotham City


Caution: Training magical asian school girl powers Mar 15, 2014

Dinny was last seen:
Sep 26, 2014
    1. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
    2. Labrys
      You seen like a nice person, nice meeting you.
    3. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      1. Dinny
        Exams are coming up in a couple days and I've been stuck in the books! But I'm definitely trying to, my love <3 n _ n Thank you!!!

        and b'awwwww, you can be my santa any day bb~
        Sep 6, 2012
      2. Midnight Star
        Midnight Star
        Sep 6, 2012
      3. Dinny
        Thanks so much love c: <3333

        And oooh darlin' that's beauty right there.
        Sep 6, 2012
    4. Bushy
      I was looking at your art thread, and... Hnnnggg!
      I love your art! ;.;
      Wish I could draw like you can. You're just fantastic. XD (sorry for the randomness, but I just had to tell you that. lol)
      1. Dinny
        omg ahhhh bushyyyyy ; A ;
        thank you so much oh my glob that just made me smile lots and omg thank youuuuu <3 *huggle*
        Sep 5, 2012
      2. Bushy
        *hugs back* ¦3
        lol. I'm just being honest. XD
        I've been trying to practice drawing for a while now and I'm nowhere near as good as you are. I just absolutely adore your style. Your work is so awesome. Gwah! I wish I could draw like you can.
        Sep 5, 2012
      3. Dinny
        Still ; ~ ; abubububbbu I'm not actually that good especially compared to others hahaha but guwahh thank you so much it's really meant a lot and oh myy //blush-blush// u v u
        Just keep drawing and keep at it! It's the best fun and you shouldn't ever stop if you enjoy doing it c:
        Sep 6, 2012
    5. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
      Hey Hey girlfriend. What's the 411 on you end? Y u never hit me up on yo 3ds?
      1. Dinny
        Dinny be lazy to get on your profile thank the lord for comments now durrdurrdurr

        Being a good little school girl over here - or at least trying. How about you? And whuuuuuut, we've never exchanged codes? Oh dear oh dear oh dear what is happening. oh dear. Add me up boi 3394 - 4586 - 5377
        Sep 4, 2012
    6. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      1. Dinny
        Hey love!! YOU'RE A SUPER AWESOME KADUPER SISSY <3333 Ho ho ho, you're too nice to me. I'll try not to set the school on fire with me RAGE of stress lol but really, I'll try to do my best. I hope everything going well for you!! You deserve all of the good things in life <3

        And yeeeeeeeees Dick <3 thanks, my love!
        Aug 31, 2012
      2. Midnight Star
        Midnight Star
        Aug 31, 2012
      3. Dinny
        b'awww thanks so much o u o <333

        and omg yessss!!! CONGRATS ONCE AGAIN YEY I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT FOR SURE : D n __ n

        and omg so sweet. Dick Ilu
        Sep 3, 2012
    7. Karuta
      Hey! How are you?
      1. Dinny
        Howdy Heartless!! School is eating me up, but other than that I am doing swell! n _ n

        How are you? c:
        Aug 31, 2012
      2. Karuta
        I'm pretty good! just started school again too but so far all is good. Been playing a lot of birth by sleep lately :3
        Aug 31, 2012
      3. Dinny
        School again for you too, hm? Hope it's still going well now! ( sorry for the horridly late replies u __ u ) and ooh, that's nice. I've been playing Pokemon xD
        Sep 3, 2012
    8. Dinny
      School is devouring me, still trying to win the battle. Not going to be online as much here. You'll find me more on tumblr & facebook lol
    9. Te Deum
      Te Deum


      i miss u ;_;
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dinny
        Oh glob, school and sleep are just two things that never ever cooperate it's so annoying u ___ u

        Oh true xD That was a fun little thing to play with haha. and lol good job xD
        Aug 28, 2012
      3. Te Deum
        Te Deum
        Unless you sleep at school. Which I do often.

        Really! It made me look all fat and buck-toothed. It pissed me off.
        Aug 28, 2012
      4. Dinny
        I try not to. School is important to m-shot-

        Exactly. I looked so stupid and I couldn't stop laughing and lol. so much lol. It made me look all fat and big nosed and stuff. boo.
        Aug 28, 2012
    10. Plums
      DINNY I was listening to Dark Knight Rises sings which made me think of Dick which made me think of you and I hope you are doing well c:

      1. Dinny
        B'awww that's so cute xD
        Plumsy I miss you so ; ~ ;

        oh glob, I'll try to do that. It's being such a boss right now though u __ u
        Aug 28, 2012
      2. Plums
        I miss you too ;-; COME BACK AFTER YOU CONQUER SCHOOL. You and Sischu must be queens of the academics. I believe in you B|
        Aug 29, 2012
      3. Dinny
        uh oh okay I shall poof away the--shot-
        WE WILL BE. With Sischu by my side, nothing will stop us!! *super epic musix*
        Aug 31, 2012
    11. Dinny
      I will be less active for the next couple weeks. I'm swamped with schoolwork but no worries! I have hubby Dick Grayson to cuddle me up n _ n
      1. Dinny
        omg first status yey o u o
        Aug 22, 2012
    12. Finn the Human
      Finn the Human
      Oh man I hear ya. My parents wouldn't let me stretch my ears, until I just convinced my mom to let me. My dad was furious about it.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Finn the Human
        Finn the Human
        I did anyway, haha. It's a long process, but a rewarding one.
        Aug 22, 2012
      3. Dinny
        cool, cool. I wanted to stretch mine before - but just the real little ones but only because the jewelry were so cuuute <3
        Aug 23, 2012
      4. Finn the Human
        Finn the Human
        Most of the jewelry is actually bad for you though. Most people who don't know much about stretching, stretch with Acrylic, which sticks to your ears and forms to your skin. It causes blowouts and migration, and in an ear, that shouldn't be happening.
        Aug 23, 2012
    13. Hayabusa
      Awww, my Harley image is gone ._.

      Oh hey there Dinny.
    14. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      I suppose but mine should just be kept to me.

      Yeah but, he needs to actually be online for me to ask him T^T It's about to be a month tomorrow.
      That wasn't me sending that message. :c He sent it to me. So he's the cute one. It just made me love him even more. ; ; Such a wonderful friend.
    15. Finn the Human
      Finn the Human
      Well, the reason it's difficult, is because metal is really the only thing you should be putting in your body, because it's not degradable, and won't be rejected as easily as other materials. I keep finding cute acrylic and bioplast jewelry, but then I have to remember not to look twice at it because not metal .-.

      I'm looking for a new plug to put in my ear, as well as some fresh barbells and a new tongue barbell.
    16. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Yeah but I really shouldn't be complaining, to be honest.

      I am not. >< There is no way I am. Haha yeah... hope you're right. I was thinking of sending him a pm with my number just in case. ; ; But I dun think my service works for Canada.
      Look the kawaii desu message he sent me a while ago ; ;
      I noticed your avi went blank, found a thread about you leaving and I got worried. Is everything okay?! I went on vacation for a week and didn't pack my netbook, I'm sorry!
    17. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Well no one makes much effort to show it then.

      I am not cute. ; ; I just really missing my Shushu like tons.
    18. Hayabusa
      The best Harley appearance I've seen so far:

    19. Karuta
      thank you :D
    20. Finn the Human
      Finn the Human
      I hope everything works out for you :)

      On another note, finding body jewelry on the internet is a pain. :|
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  • About

    Feb 28, 1996 (Age: 29)
    Home Page:
    Gotham City
    Past Usernames:
    Death Twister, -dinamplified, Marceline the Vampire Queen, Dinny Grayson, Ty Lee, BLUE CRUSH, Dinny
    Dinny Grayson

    Tropical Time Traveler
    18 | Philippines (UTC+8)

    Humanoid Cat Hybrid that is a superhero, ninja assassin
    and artist in training with an obsession over everything
    that has to do with fiction, fantasy and anything adorable

    First class dork | Second class cat
    Everything is art | Live life in your own imagination




    Cosplay & Art | Tumblr
    E t e r n a l S u m m e r
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