Comments on Profile Post by Amaury

  1. Plums
    It will be eventually. Community News isn't showing on the Homepage due to a bug, so the Welcome thread is in News & Updates till it can get sorted out.
    Aug 16, 2012
  2. Amaury
    Once a feedback thread is opened, I will make suggestions (at least from I can think of now):

    - Change the date format back to numerical. For example, 8/16/2012.
    Aug 16, 2012
  3. Amaury
    Because of the stupid character limit:

    - Have the activity not be so detailed. For example, on vBulletin it was Today, 8:40 PM.
    Aug 16, 2012
  4. Amaury
    However, here, until a certain amount passes, it's a moment ago, 1 minute ago, 31 minutes ago, 2 hours ago, etc. I do like that the profile automatically updates the last activity time, though. (1 minute ago, 2 minutes ago, etc.)
    - Put the [User] was last seen (Current Activity on vBulletin) back in the statistics box like on vBulletin.
    Aug 16, 2012