Well, if it's better reading than A brave new world then go for it! xD Not that I'm encouraging procrastination. I bet some of them would be quite amusing with hindsight xD
But anyway, I've been looking back at some of our convos and GOD was I still n00bish in 2012. I mean, you could make a book that rivals Les Mis in length with all the paragraphs we've typed up in reply to one another, but SHEESH (though I am somewhat amused by all of the promises we've made and kept AND I STILL NEED TO WATCH BLACKPOOL!).
Ooh, six episodes? Oh, I can do six episodes in a heartbeat.
Unless they're Sherlock length episodes, in which case I'll need a few days.
Well, yeah. And I'll be looking back at all these VMs and read them in Ten or Eleven's voice (just like I am as I type all this up). I almost feel like I'm roleplaying, but without the... you know, roleplay.
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