Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. burnitup
      Umm... I assume that will happen in the CC?
    2. Lite
      Pretty much. :lolface:

      Alrighty then.
      Whoa....Not what I was expecting at all...But I'll take a Nanoha. c:
    3. NutheadBros
      Hmm, alright but I'll check again just to be sure
    4. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      son of a namekian... we're all screwed.
    5. Lite
      Oh, man, now you've got me excited. c:

      Ah, I see. In Viral's case, I assume he was much less able to generate Spiral Power before he got the immortal body?
      That would be great if you could do that.
    6. NutheadBros
      Alright, you see the reason for the school being there is that it's the hiding spot for a relic called the N-Force [located on the top floor] allowing for the chosen Harbingers to transform simply by touching it, although there is an invention that will allow access to it from far away but the catch is that the link cannot be blocked or severed [example being if someone managed to freeze up the entire building and the top floor was blocked
    7. Lite
      Oh, lawd...Can't wait to see where this is goin'.

      Alright, then that's cleared up. Only the strongest-will Beastmen can generate Spiral Power, albeit only small amounts.
      Would it be plausible to say that KK Viral did steal one and managed to just dig his way back to the surface/into a different section of the Underground Caverns then?
    8. NutheadBros
      Eh just trying to figure out my next plans for the cove and my new reserves, also wondering if it was possible for a high-school to be warped from tokyo to Disgaea
    9. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Ok. I can roll with that.

    10. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Ok. Good thing Crono and his party "Level Up" frequently.

      What one?
    11. Lite
      Oh, wow...Now I'm guessing she's somewhere where the entirety of the space-time continuum is being kept in the balance? Or am I way off?

      Oh...I thought Beastmen were incapable? Guess that never registered when Viral got one. Anyway, I asked because KK Viral's gonna decide in this post that he doesn't want to fight on the Spiral King's side anymore. Since they're inside Dai-Gundo, he was gonna try and steal a Gunman from inside and escape. The only issue would be whether or not the Gunman he steals could create a drill. I think any Gunman can, since almost every single Gunman in Gurren Lagann was stolen from the Beastmen, two of which have performed Giga Drill Break (Gurren Lagann and King Kittan).
    12. NutheadBros
      Ello DT, how are you doing
    13. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      When might we see this battle hapoen?

      Ok :lolface:
    14. Lite
      I can see that, lol. And you do a damn good job at it.

      Also, I just realized something: Since KK Viral is a human, does that mean he can generate Spiral Power?
    15. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Oh balls. He'll be harder to kill, won't he?

      ...was the double spoiler necessary?
    16. Lite
      Good lawd...So many mindscrews and timescrews packed into one big time-based mindscrew...
    17. Lite
      Ah, okay. Makes sense now.
      Thank you very much, bro.
    18. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      That's awesome.

      What is it?
    19. Lite
      Got it.

      Exactly. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it that way.
      Whoa, whoa, wait...So you're saying that sometime in the future of the cove, we're going to see that ship go back in time to crash into Disgaea? Also, could you tell me how to do the kind of spoiler you're doing?
    20. Lite
      Welp, that settles that then. Should I go so far as to have her examining Dai-Gunzan from afar?

      Pretty much. I can't usually post without some kind of lyric-less music (Except for the song "Rap was a Man's Soul...Right?". That song is the only exception).
      Aww, sheeit, we got ancient SEED ships up in dis bish.