Jun 6, 2008
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Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


The Future, Enby, 29


Do what you can, the best you can Aug 27, 2022

    1. Pinekaboo
      I meant coreViral changing sides. Vampire Nanoha will meat Viral soon.

      Yeah, but you just said "filthy mutant". Adding ape to it draws a parrallel with what he calls Kamina.
      Alright. I just say because pretty much every BRS character uses black as their main text colour. That's just the way things are. Speaking of, Chariot's colour is actually pink, you know? You might consider having her be pale pink speech on black text.
    2. Pinekaboo
      That'll be a while longer though. I guess I'll tell you about how the timeskip will happen at some point too.

      Just an idea; core Viral could call KK Viral "filthy mutant ape" as a parallel to "filthy naked ape". Also, Black Gold Saw should probably have her standard text in black, then switch to red for speech.
    3. Pinekaboo
      Yeah last night I decided that it was going to be vampire anyway, actually, since no Viral would ever take a little girl seriously unless she'd shown her power, which they can't do in a cave system. Somebody older, like vampire Nanoha, would be taken seriously a lot easier.
    4. Pinekaboo
      It's a gift.

      Loli or vampire? I'm cool with whichever.
    5. Pinekaboo
      I always do, don't I?

      I have no idea. I believe it's more just because Viral is Viral, and has such a massive drive to keep moving forward.
      Alright. Would you prefer Strength or a Nanoha?
    6. Pinekaboo
      Indeed. And once Homura's involved, there is a lot of crap that's gonna go down.

      Unless they're Viral or Guame. But they're serious exceptions. Viral has an immortal body that may or may not be more human than he realises, and Guame is the same as human!Boota.
      Underground caverns is possible, but he'd be pretty far from Team Dai-Gurren. I'll have somebody meet up with him though, if you'd like?
    7. Pinekaboo
      Time is going to go seriously messed up shortly. Her being held captive like that is the cause.

      The standard beastman is. It takes a seriously strong-willed and driven beastman to generate even a little Spiral Power, but the fact that both Viral and Guame can means that it's possible.
      Not just any Gunman can. King Kittan never made it's own drill; it borrowed a broken one from Gurren Lagann and integrated it. Lagann is the only one capable of making that much Spiral Energy, though it depends entirely on the pilot, of course. Spiral Energy can create ANYTHING though, not just drills.
    8. Pinekaboo
      I do. And that gif? Not just a pretty effect. It's happening as we speak.

      Yes, he can. Of course, so can anyone, including beastmen, if they have the drive to keep pushing forward. That's why Viral himself was able to make a Tengen Toppa.
    9. Pinekaboo
      I enjoy screwing with time.

    10. Pinekaboo
      But the [hide=#ffaade]crashed[/hide] version is actually already there. As a bigger mindscrew; [hide=#ffaade]it's the heroes's fault[/hide].
    11. Pinekaboo
      [hide=#ffaade]What I'm saying is that we'll see the uncrashed ship, then find the crashed ship, and realise it's the exact same one.[/hide]
      Sure, I can teach you that. It's [ hide=<colour code here>] [ /hide].
    12. Pinekaboo
      Possibly, but be vague about it.

      I kind of agree. Lyrics can distract, as can any kind of talking. Lyricless music is great for it.
      Sort of, sort of not. It's pretty damn complicated.
      [hide=#ffaade]It's a ship from the RP's future, having hit a loop, come back around, and crashed in the past. It's already there, and yet it hasn't appeared at all, at the same time.
      Massive paradox.[/hide]
    13. Pinekaboo
      Snowy wastelands are always good. I actually intend that to be where Dai-Gunzan is.

      Posting music? Motivational, you mean? If so, I have a 15 minute version of that song. But yeah, that theme will play a bit later in Cove. [hide=#ffaade]Inside a SEED-infested ship hidden deep underground, which crashed there thousands of years ago.[/hide]
    14. Pinekaboo
      That sounds reasonable.

      There are no rules about it, just things that would be annoying and things that wouldn't. Most of yours tend be not annoying. The same isn't said of everyone.

    15. Pinekaboo
      That would be up to you, I guess.

      I don't mind bringing her in, but it might be best to make a new area for that.
    16. Pinekaboo
      I just thought actually; he'd be a great commander/pilot for the Dai-Gurren, so I think I'll have him be that. Double K Viral can possibly be Genome's co-pilot until real Viral turns.
      Also, that was exactly why KKamina pistol-whipped him last post. It was supposed to give you an opportinity to have him rethink his position. You ignored it entirely.

      I dunno if that's the best idea really.
    17. Llave
      Well in that case. 8D
    18. Llave
      The only regret I have is, she's 14....

      YOKO~ <3
    19. Pinekaboo
      I shall then.
      Depends on where.
    20. Pinekaboo
      I may bring in Kotarou Taiga (the guy who does that speech) simply because his manliness rivals Kamina's. He might be a better co-pilot for Genome actually.

      He means Banagher. It's a reference to a meme about him; where Gundam fans call him "That crazy Banana!" because nobody can pronounce his name.
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    Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
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