NYAN CAT =^_^=
Last Activity:
Dec 17, 2012
May 18, 2012
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Gotham City
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NYAN CAT =^_^=

Destiny Islands Resident, Female, from Gotham City

You're not alone... We'll brave this storm... ~~ Nov 15, 2012

NYAN CAT =^_^= was last seen:
Dec 17, 2012
    1. Jiηx
      Trapped in a corner is an ill phrase, painted himself into one is more appropriate, any mis fortune on the site he has experienced is all self inflicted, if you wish to save him trying to make him realise he has to be more civil around people would probably be best, otherwise you may lose someone I can tell you value as a friend.
    2. Jiηx
      In reality i'm not honestly bothered if he is forced to close his account or not, this is all on him, if he knows he's being an ass on purpose and continues to persist in the hope of some sort of different reaction from any member, that is the very definition of insanity, it's very apparent from threads that he gets negative reception from not just me in threads were he acts immature, it should be a wake up call to get a bit more mature, anyone who uses the whole "oh it's the internet, don't have to be serious ever" argument is really an idiot.
    3. Jiηx
      Put it this way, if he's worried about his mother closing down his KHV account because members have a bad opinion of him, then that's his issue to fix, not you, he's coming to you to whine about his problems, where as I share my chats with Makaze simply to laugh at how awkward he makes things, and the reason I start all VM's on the topic, is because I choose to use VM's as my method of conversation, Makaze uses msn and we have talked about HoT on there before, so it's not just me starting them, I just have nothing to hide on this site about my feelings for any member, so i'll happily place them out where anyone who wishes to see them can.

      As far as I can see his problem being solved is dependant on talking to me and me alone, not you and you have no obligations to mediate anything for him.

      So no I won't be talking to him, unless he talks to me, because as far as I can tell, this is his problem, not mine.

      And maybe he should take the fact his family thinks he's a smart ass now as a sign that he might infact be one, because that's why I "attack" him, because he comes back with childish responses that are just designed to get under peoples skin, without actually acting like an adult about anything.
    4. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      I see. Well, my desicion is clear.

      I know what I'm going to do.

      Thanks for the help.
    5. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Thing is, I don't even get picked on at school, so it's not a problem.
      She says it has a negative effect on me because recently, I've besn a smart ass at home.
      It doesn't bother me, seeing as they see me as needy, whiny, etc. and I know I'm not that.
      She just doesn't understand.
      And with Crimson, it's always the same thing.
      When he's not being a ****** on the forum, he's complaining about me to Makaze. Thing is, he's always the one to VM Makaze, Makaze's never VMed Crimson to start a conversation about me.
      I find it immature of Crimson to do that.
    6. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      I just did...

      So my mom looked through KHV, and she saw some stuff in the Memes thread that led her to Crimson Azoth and Makaze's convo about me. Needless to say, she's pissed, she says it's affecting me in a negative way, and she wants me to close my KHV account. It doesn't seem like I have a choice, since it's not like they'll stop because I asked. Help?

      Sorry for pouring my feelings out. Cloud's gone so you're the best I've got for now.
    7. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      But Annah's never told Link
    8. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      What's Anna's favorite color? Dark Blue, I assume.
    9. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Want to Rp?
    10. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      D: Nooo...

      I need prescriptions. Alas, I am almost legally blind.
    11. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Prescription ones?

      Doubt it.
    12. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      I've been meaning to get glasses like those.

      Maybe I can look prettier :D ;3
    13. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Like I said, just wondering.

      I must say, you are very pretty.
    14. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      just wondering, is that you in your profile pic?
    15. ArosFarron
      I just say that to say that
    16. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Aros is on. Wanna R to the P?
    17. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Whats up gurlfriend?
    18. ArosFarron
      Hey Kitty. Missed me?
    19. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
    20. starseeker3
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  • About

    Gotham City
    Hot Topic c:
    My idol is Andrew(Andy) Dennis Biersack. I am honestly a really sarcastic person. It's my second natural language, sorry if you need an interpreter, but figure it out. I love playing Zombies. It's my second nature. I am working on my writing and RP-ing and what not. I am learning guitar better and there is someone there who keeps pushing me forward <3 but, yea I guess I am done here. Message me if you need to know anything else because I am not a future see-er person thingy whatever you call them....


    Those times in life we learn to try, with one intention. Or learning how and when we'll die, but we can't listen...
    These lyrics heard a thousand times, just plush. A baby boy you've held so tightly, this pain it visits almost nightly...
    Lay your heart down the end's in sight, conscience begs for you to do what's right...
    We carry forward into the night, the strength of innocence like children's laughter...
    The Legacy, born from a dream, on leather wings, rose from the streets with our hands on destiny...
    The record is for the Outcasts. Following our stories of Love , Life, and Never Giving In.
    We are the Black Veil Brides...
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