Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Droid
      I don't think you play characters who are exactly sane, but she looks like a great addition and I need more people with characters for Britania anyways. Depending on where you're going with the apparent Reaper invasion they might be dispatching mechas soon.
    2. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey DT, what's the name of the person who caused the nightmares in CC? I'm thinking of bringing her into an RP group.
    3. Lite
      Posted. You're up, buddeh.
    4. Droid
      Alright, that's fair. Although when he and Wilson get it on later I'll have no part in it. xD
      I'm actually playing her as a hybrid between the real Elizabeth and the Queen from Black Butler, being the connection to Ciel. But yeah, just so long as everyone is moderately respectful it'll be fine(What could possibly go wrong?-dead-).

      Of course, I'm still thinking out the details of Britannia's military. Plan on forming a knights of the round later. Eventually I'm going to bring this out, because we always need something like the Death Star.
    5. Lite
      Alright, then I'll end it with Guame coming into the fray, and you can follow it up with Dai-Gunten and Dai-Gunkai coming in when you post.
    6. Lite
      Awesome. I'm working on a post now. Are they coming in on the ship that Cytomander had before (Can't remember the name)? If so, I can end it with that ship coming into view.
    7. Lite
      Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. And so I'm clear: You've got Cytomander and Adiane and I've got Guame, correct?
    8. Lite
      Alright, then that simplifies things.

      Also, Sonic's gonna hold Viral off from KL, GL and Zen so they can focus on Lordgenome. I was going to have this be the moment that Stern's crystal gets put to use. Is this okay with you?
    9. Lite
      Well then I won't have him try to kill KK Kamina, just beat him up so he'll learn not to go into any of his bars again. And yes, I know I'll have to edit KK Viral's "Time to Die" line.
    10. Lite
      Well, yeah, that was back on Earth, where he could be arrested for killing him...They're not on Earth anymore. :3
    11. Lite
      Oh...That's right...Okay, you were right about that, but there's still the fact that KK Viral hates KK Kamina, and another Viral with a giant robot is the perfect way to deal with him.
    12. burnitup
      Hey DT, do you know if anyone has reserved Bane?
    13. Lite
      Wasn't KK Viral also the one holding loads of the Spiral Drug in his bar, though? Or was that Adiane....

      Either way, he's only working with Core Viral because...Well, it's another Viral. He thinks it's awesome. Besides, KK Viral's never liked KK Kamina, so this is his chance to beat his ass.
    14. Lite
      Posted. You'll notice that not only are Core Kamina and Fem!Kamina (Mind explaining what the "!" is meant to be?) fighting, but DK Kamina has a fight of his own on the ground.
      I would have posted more, but I gotta go do something real quick. I should be back within a half an hour, 1 hour tops.
    15. Lite
      Ah, okay. I see now.
    16. Lite
      Dayamn...Wait, just so I'm sure I know what you're talking about: Arc Gurren Lagann is a notch below Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann, right?

      Awesome, then here comes Viral to serve his king.
    17. Lite
      Jeebus...They're fuggin huge.

      Would Viral and/or Char be joining this fight alongside the Spiral King? Maybe even Magneto, but his powers might be a bit too much what with their Gunmen being made of metal and all...
    18. Lite
      What's the biggest one supposed to be? A Capital ship?
    19. Lite
      Ah, okay. So young Genome wouldn't be able to do it, then. Alright.
    20. Lite
      Ooohh, I see. Gotcha.

      Hey, I was wondering: Would Genome be able to do the whole red hair thing like Lordgenome does when he's in a fight? Like, it wouldn't go full-on flames, but anything green on Zen would be red, and his hair would just turn red.