Last Activity:
Oct 17, 2014
Mar 6, 2012
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7:54 PM
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May 6, 1995 (Age: 29)
Home Page:
Homestead, Florida


Destiny Islands Resident, Female, 29, from Homestead, Florida

Won't be on this weekend; volunteering at Mizu Con. Oct 4, 2014

NikkiNoNo was last seen:
Oct 17, 2014
    1. starseeker3
      Join the club sister
    2. starseeker3
      IKR!!! Adamboy7 is a huge techy, and a good friend of mine, and it is nice to have a tech savvy friend.
    3. starseeker3
      Um... ok....
      =.= thats a huge dent in your wallet
    4. starseeker3
      I have not, orignally, in his backstory he did have children, but they along with his wife were merderd by those darn infected. Why?
      Well a new hard drive mightbe a god thing
    5. starseeker3
      Not much, I can't use my laptop ;_; my sis took it away n stuff...
    6. Krowley
      Check under "Command Styles" in The Guild Hall, haha.
      Still working out kinks, but it should show up sooner then 25.
      Also working on a D-Link System.
    7. starseeker3
      Hey Nikkinono
    8. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey! I saw in my friend's interest check that you wanted to join an RP. Well, the current one that the interest check was for is at a stand still due to the creator being gone. There is room for a character, but I'm unsure when Aros will be back, so there may be a small wait. If you're interested in any other RPs, here's a couple:

      Crossover Cove
      The Hunger Games (nothing about the books or the movie needs to be known)
      Dissidia Final Fantasy: The First Cycle.

      Either way, there's TONS more. I'm an RP Helper too, so if you want to make an RP and need help, feel free to ask me.
    9. SORA!
    10. Cloud.Strife.
      'Scuse me, sorry to interrupt and correct, but Xena is already a Member of the Organization.
      Could you fix that?
      Thank you.
    11. Krowley
      Hello, just a quick check-in with people who have or are currently participating in the Kingdom Hearts SOS roleplay. My reason for this small update is to try and better the KH experience for members. Is there anything you would like to see more or less of? Any worlds you would like to suggest? Keyblades, Bosses or Summons in mind? Things like that. Reply back soon with your thoughts!
    12. Cloud.Strife.
      Oh shoot, you're Organization.
      You start out in the Castle that Never Was. Lucrix and Iahaxnuys, two members, were sent in to provoke the keyblade wielders into killing heartless and helping with Kingdom Hearts. If you want to go somewhere, speak with Lord Xamsdek.
    13. Cloud.Strife.
      Uhm, sure.
      What's your starter world?
    14. Cloud.Strife.
      Alright, I'll look.
      Sorry for wait, I make all the RP graphics and I was working on a boss battle image.
    15. Cloud.Strife.
      Alrighty then, post an OC in the OOC thread and if I accept you may begin posting.
    16. Cloud.Strife.
      I'd Like to invite you to my new RP, Kingdom Hearts: Far-Off Touch.
    17. starseeker3
      Hey Nikki It's been a while since we talked.
      So how are you?
    18. Jayn
      Hello again, fellow role player!
      Just a friendly reminder here! Please try to nominate and vote for the KHV Awards this year!

      The role play section of the awards has always been pretty dead, so please try to support us! Nominate your fellow role players, any fun role plays you're involved in (or were at some point during the year), etc. Even if you've already sent in your RP nominations, if there's anything you left blank, try to fill it! There has to be something or someone worthy of nominating from your time role playing this year, hopefully?

      You may recall me doing this last year (or not, if you're new). We actually got more nominations than usual, but let's try to kick it up a knotch and support our community here on KH-Vids. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my absolute best to help you out. It doesn't matter how often you RP, either.

      The nominations thread is here and you can PM your nominations to me.

      Please try to let other role players know as well.
      Good luck and thank you! ♥
    19. Cloud.Strife.
    20. Cloud.Strife.
      We got assigned a brawl mission you and MoK are up now ^_^