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Dec 12, 2023
Jan 22, 2011
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May 27
The Matinée


Some kind of mercenary, from The Matinée

Onward we ride! KHV is back and kicking. Aug 3, 2021

Makaze was last seen:
Dec 12, 2023
    1. Jiηx
      I wouldnt be surprised if she hasnt even read the book, just watch the dicaprio movie.
    2. Jiηx
      I ...umm, I think I just died from seeing Shakespeare and Stephanie Meyers works being in the same list of someone's favourites, how are people like that even formed? I don't believe they should be able to function properly.
    3. nasirrich
      Yea me on your side would make a huge problem I see what you're getting at

      Alright dear kind someone see ya ~,^
    4. nasirrich
      Well I'm a problem myself cause I got a beef with many people on here to begin with. I can praise who I please it shouldn't be a problem. I'm not here to cause a revolt just here to state facts that I... me personally feel is going on. So facts makes no sense more like the problems I personally see going on. I enjoy this site so I keep my mouth shut until I see and feel they stepped outta line. Even then I'll hold my tongue cause they wouldn't be ready to begin with XD
    5. nasirrich
      I honestly don't care if they can see it. I'm allowed to have my voice I'm not doing anything bad. I don't have to agree with how the staff runs something and if they mistreat my buddies. Besides I'd get in trouble for saying it not you. I'm not really doing anything that goes against the rules. I'll say sorry in the third person...*Sorry* but how am I clever your the one who's too nice.
    6. nasirrich
      Awwww man ok

      I think they take you serious since they know what you are capable of so like if you are pushed to the side you'll be less of a threat see what I'm gettin at?
    7. nasirrich
      Lol hahahahahha who cares everyone is rude to everyone, but you must have gotten called out on it cause too many complaints.

      You'd make a good staff member cause your so real like what's so wrong with being real as a staff member. They need to be real when it comes to discipline so I don't see a problem. So why not make you like a sec mod cause even if they hate you that goes against protocol. Its all about votes right? So that means if the staff runs on some biased type ish then they shouldn't be there in the 1st place. I don't know on how it really works, but that's just my take on it.
    8. nasirrich
      And to answer your question from yesterday yes there has been a lot on my mind. I wanted to know how come you aren't staff yet ^,^ And how you got banned? That made no sense to me at all cause I'm guessing the babies on this site couldn't handle when you handed out some of that whoop ass. What was that all about if this isn't too personal.
    9. nasirrich
      Hehehehehe ^^" y-yea sorry about that I've just had it with her. So abusive, and just has no clue as to how to parent. I also wanted to apologies for me falling asleep. Being a Camp Counselor for 6-7 boys gets tiring very quick.
    10. nasirrich
      I know man I know she'll get what's coming to her bet man cause now she has crossed the final line. Her downfall will be something so disgusting you'd have to die to get it.
    11. Llave
      Two messages for you in the Postbox!
    12. nasirrich
      Yep she's by far someone who lack all parenting skills.

      She messed up my PS3, 360, Wii, and PS2 yea I say my cause I paid for them which she seems to be forgetting.
    13. nasirrich
      Sorry about that my mom literally broke my laptop. She slammed it down as hard as she could then beamed it down as hard as she could on the floor. Stupid lady no wonder why I hate you with such a burning passion and will watch as you crumble laughing my ass off.

      Makaze you should have seen how hard she tried to get at me. Too funny so she broke my laptop with Windows 7 Ultimate and Microsoft 2010. What makes it better this is a Gateway M-Series laptop. Maybe about 6-8 years old.
    14. nasirrich
      Sorry about that you are right

      Yes dear kind someone you are very welcome ^=^
    15. Britishism
      That's a nice way to put it. I thought she was getting better, but she still seems sensitive and rude.
    16. nasirrich
      But that's what I'm saying you just hit someone to say hitting someone is wrong is pretty much the point of that statement. But yet in turn for you to hit someone for the point to be much clearer to understand only makes it loop back to you now. Cause then someone will have to maybe do a hard tap or push to say what you did was wrong. See what I'm getting at here? I know what you mean, but that's pretty much what I was saying because no matter how well you switch up hitting and wrong they are both still there. Hitting is wrong no?

      EXACTLY Revenge is either for ego, pride, emotional state of mind, and the current state of the populous at that time. So we go back to the Death Penalty why is it even there? You gotta die for you killing someone right. An Eye for an Eye is what we live in. You Bomb Us so We Bomb You cause if no action is taken we are weak. So we can be easily taken advantage of. No see if you see someone with that much power then you fear for your life and wanna do what ever it takes to protect your own. What we think is no joke cause the next action we take will be the end of what sane and manic. You can never escape this state of mind this trap cause you choose a side from the moment you agree or disagree and that's just that.

      So we go back to the knife and chicken. If I can't do it then someone who needs money and likes what I like will do it then forget about it. I don't care as long as I get what I need then screw it. Like the girl I have strong feelings for right. I mean if I wanted to I could just blow up the spot and make it worse for us both right, but then how would this effect me in the long run. Loss of respect from her friends, and my friends and change who I am right. But yet I want to show my love, but can I? I will have to be not true to myself to show my hidden love which makes no sense cause if you like someone go out and say it. You can't cause then you get bashed for hiding it this that and the 3rd.

      Which is why a lot of people in the light on this site are punks man. I hate to say it, but fear has gotten to a lot of people. I'm not down for causing drama, but if I feel you think you have power and especially over me. There will be some repercussions for that thought process. That's why these young cats now adays swear they know everything cause they are fed so much bs they eat it all up like its part of their balanced diet. Yea you can read and know such a vast amount of words. But you see using words to show power just shows how much of a little man you are. Makaze you on the other hand use words to construct and build upon the greater.... Hang on you use words to me in the sense like... Ok well if you really want some feedback I will give you feed back you hate to love to hear. Get what I mean... Like if people say oh I'm ugly and you say yes you are cause others are like... Makaze you jerk you're not ugly blah blah blah... No you said it so I will say it too. What's wrong with that you lack that much confidence in yourself that you take a pic or have a pic taken of yourself post it ON THE WEB mind you to say your ugly when you know you are not. If you are judged for the way you look unable to see what you really are made of just to be the cover of attention then I will show no respect for you at all. I will show you the lack of respect you show yourself. That's how you wanna label yourself ok sure I'll help the label grow then.

      Like see what I mean a cycle you can't escape which is why I love to talk with you. I think my fury and rage with you at that time was the fact you are just so real, and not many others could do what you do. Break someone down with the cold hard truth so you get labeled as a jerk, or bad and get this fad going, but when this cycle stops of what is right and what's wrong then maybe all will see.
    17. Britishism
      I'm going to go batty if I aim to make it to 5,000.

      This girl.
    18. Britishism
      Really? Didn't do that. Oh, well.

      I left most N/A, since I don't know anyone well enough to gauge those things, and I got my full of joke nominations last year.
    19. Britishism
      You've got a better reputation than many, Kaze.

      I didn't make too many nominations, didn't have time. Feel mildly bad about most of them.
    20. Britishism
      Thanks, haha.

      I don't expect much, in terms of winning anything. I do hope some likable members win the Best awards, and terrible win the worst. I liked last year's because it bumped up activity ever so much, even if I didn't have a good idea of what was a lot of activity after being a member for a month. I'm sure it'll be fun.
      And you?
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    The Matinée
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