Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Aragorns
      Well, that's great. First Arthur, then Lancelot, then Mordred, now Gawain.
      At this rate I may as well bring in Bedeviere and Merlin myself XD
    2. Aragorns
      I wonder which one it'll be. Probably not Gawain...

      EDIT: Eh, Screw it. Bringing in the blue early.
      Look out, world! HERE COMES KALEC!!! Oh, that reminds me...
      ... how exactly are we going to get all the servants and masters in one place?
    3. Lite
      It is indeed.

      Alright, that's what I expected.
    4. Aragorns
      Hmm... Magical Space Forests...
      ... sounds like the perfect place for a Blue Dragon to hang out.
      Or a Caster Servant.
      Or both. Or neither at all... your call.

      EDIT: Huh, that's odd. I'm never right XD
    5. Lite

      I think Stardust may have brought up a good point:
      Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann was made up of all of the Tengen Toppa Gunmen of Team Dai-Gurren. If we're going to have a much larger force on Team Dai-Gurren's side, will we have something even better than STTGL?
    6. Aragorns
      True... true...
      hmm... Now, I wonder where Saber could possibly be? She couldn't of possibly of gotten herself lost in a labrynth which, lying at the center, is the lifeless, smiling body of Irisviel von Einzbern... could she?
      Probably not XD
    7. Aragorns
      That's not what I was having trouble responding to... but ok...
      I've just realised that I so have to make Joker take advantage of the situation of Saber and Shirou and tear Saber apart emotionally...
      ... because he can.
      Well, Joker isn't entirely evil, he's just a sadist XD
    8. Lite
      XD Oh, Kamina. Your crazy antics always crack me up.

      Dude, this song right here is one of the most soothing things I've ever heard from an Anime OST.
    9. Lite
      ...It's like his sunglasses are wearing a crown...Made of sunglasses...And apparently his nose has tiny eyes or something.
    10. Aragorns
      ... eeks, just... eeks.
      I have no way to respond to that, at all, whatsoever...
    11. Lite

      Kamina wouldn't happen to have any extra pairs of sunglasses lying around, would he? :lolface:
    12. Aragorns
      Well, either way, I have... two episodes left... then I'll have finished it.

      Ah, yes, that reminds me. In my absent-mindedness, I more-or-less came up with a fourth route for Fate/Stay Night this morning....
      ... I honestly don't know why.
    13. Lite
      Ah, okay...So he's an android of sorts then.
    14. Lite
      Oh, right...Lol, how did I not think of that?
      Also...J isn't even a robot is he?
    15. Lite
      Alright, badass X and a purple Zero. Awesome.
      ...Ultimate Crossover with the bird guy? (lol forgot his name)
    16. Aragorns
      I could drop Obama all together. I was very tired when I made that reserve XD
      I think I'll drop him.

      ep.19... Illya was the best in that. I laughed with Rin XD
      And Shirou should've given her the damned lion. I also felt like Joker, Genesis and Cloud eavesdropping on the date. On last thing...
      ... Saber made it possible to abuse vegetables.
    17. Lite
      He could look like that if you wanted him to.
      *GASP* Awesome! Lol, a robot piloting a bigger robot.
    18. Lite
      Works for me. Though they may question at first why they look so much like Vile. But that's not a big deal, they'll get over it.

      Speaking of Vile...*Goes to reserve*
    19. Lite
      Alright, then X will have a similar color scheme then. Awesome, thanks. Nice choice, by the way.
    20. Lite
      Alright, cool. Can't wait to see it.

      I don't mean to bother you at the moment, but when Zero and X come back into the picture, I'd like for their looks to have changed.
      So, out of these color schemes (Except the first one on the top left), which do you think Jail would choose for Zero? I don't mind, since I like all of them, I just want to know your opinion.